Saturday, January 31, 2015

JANUARY - Episode One: Winter 2015


Hello People of the World;

We start of this new year with yet another tired diatribe from your most amazing blogger. No. Me. Me. I mean me. I know. Last year, I stated that that would be the last. I believe I said, “might be”. Anyway, here I am once again to fill you in on my thoughts of things. My ego thinks that you might be interested in this also.

Surprisingly, for me, it has not been difficult at all to switch over to “2015”. With everything that is happening people tend to find it hard to think about another year starting. I know, I know, the world is ending with the midterm election results. But nothing will change. Nothing. Go to the coffee shops and sit and listen and you will see and hear, that nothing world-changing has occurred. People are still talking about useless shit, which consists mostly how everything affect them and life goes on, even the elections, even the racism, even all of it. Stupid idiots in golf caps and thin-framed glasses and neck beards, thinking their shit is the thing.

Politically, Liberals will go on fighting the status quo because that is what they like to do. Conservatives will go on fighting the status quo because that is what they like to do. No side every really cares about CHANGING the status quo because they all have something to lose by that. Or, at least, they think they have something to lose by that. Nothing will change. Look around you now: nothing has changed.

I found it no difficulty to write “2015” on things this early in the year is all I am saying….

:[ The Rise of Crybabies at the Airport: I have written before – flight delays are happening to the airline as well. But this rising throng of adult crybabies seems to be a terrible trend on the rise. Yes, the delay is happening to YOU specifically, because the airline decided that only you are worth being delayed because you are so goddamn, star-spangled awesome. Sure, as such, you should be update with the most current information about the delay as often as possible, but you are never updated enough, because the only update you fucking want is: YOU are flying out, right now! Because that is how fucking awesome you are! I say it again: the delay is also happening to the airline as well. Just be fucking patient….

:[ Coffee Shop: How is it that grown-ass people cannot clean up after themselves? I mean, I walk into a café where hundreds upon hundreds of grown-ass people are sitting. I have to look around for a seat and once someone leaves I move to take the open seat only to find drops of coffee-drink, crumbs of all kinds and used napkins. Man, I thought adults were supposed to be cleaner than their kids.

My luck with coffee shops lately. At the The Grind, I ordered a large hot cocoa and they brought me a latte. Then, later at Julius Meinl, I walk in and they immediately tell me to sit because they have a waitng service but as soon as I said I only wanted to order a hot chocolate: “you have to wait at our bar” which is a four foot long slab with six stools and a lady using half of them. I asked for a large hot chocolate for here. “Good, a small hot chocolate to go?”, no here, “Okay great, small chocolate to go. Please wait at the bar.” Great….

Then, the servers at the B&N Café hand me a latte, as I check for the name they wrote on the cup, ask for it back and hand it to the lady next to me, who immediately asks for a new cap. Because of my yucky germs. Great….

Also, I noticed how the DudeBros sit at the hipster café. They lean back as far as possible so they can shout their discussions at each other and everyone can hear how fucking awesome they are, because they put on that art show that “was basically party” that they did for “Louder than a Bomb” awesome. I am constantly surprised at how much everyone in coffee shops can turn any issue they talk about, about themselves….

:[ Heroin in Wyoming: So, the White Man that perpetrated this is labeled as “an industrious and entrepreneurial man”. Seriously? The Mexican depicted in the story is a criminal thug, so down with immigration reform! They are destroying our white youth! This article in GQ goes way out of the way to justify his behavior. Read the first paragraphs about this piece of shit…. Typical.

:[ I have been asked to curate a art display in a public space that conforms to my ideology about Native Art. So, I came up with ICONOCLASTS and am asking Native American artists to submit art that does not use typical Native motifs to express and idea. The show will only run a week but I think it is a great opportunity to get on the map with art shows that fall in line with my ideas and connecting with Native artists that share them. You can get information on the CALL FOR ARTISTS on Chicago Artists Resource and about the show on my Production Company’s website. Wish me luck….

:[ So, the other day I saw some stupid people getting on the trains at Howard through the handicapped gate, complaining about the CTA worker who was simply asking if they all had each used their fare cards to go through. Not that the first person used his card and held the gate open so all his friends went through. But I saw them go thought before the gate closed, so of course, he would ask. But as they walked to their train, they complained that “He’s stupid”, “He doesn’t know”, “Just leave us alone”, standard privileged reactions. But, you SHOULDN’T USE THE F*CKING HANDICAPPED GATE TO BEGIN WITH!

:[ Stormtrooper Suit Saves Man from Snake Bite: See? Being a big nerd can save your life….

:[ My Thoughts on all of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” Theories: After reading all five of the novels in the series and watching all four seasons of the television show, as well as, reading and listening to all the fan theories about the characters and prophecies online, I wish one thing and one thing only: I really hope that NONE OF THE PROPHECIES COME TRUE. None. Nada. Zip.

I just hope the story ends and that is that; that the prophecies are left to be fulfilled by future generations of characters. No, it is not that I want a huge sequel series, no. I would hate that. But I know that will happen regardless after George RR Martin passes away. It’s inevitable. It is just that the series has been so fucking great at setting the audience up for certain expectations, but, as in real life, our expectations never come to fruition in the story.

I really hope that Jon Snow is not some prophesized prince that will save the world with Danerys and Tyrion. (SPOILER: In fact, I hope he did die at the end of Book Five) I hope he is not the child of Rhygar and Lyanna. I hope that none of these prophecies stated in the books happen or comes true in the last two books. Because that is what happens in real life: no prophecies are happening. No matter how much we love Jon Snow or Dany or Tyrion, they are not the apex of their society that they deserve to be the prophecy come true. They just happen to be characters we like. So, I really hope that none of the conspiracy theories or story prophecies comes true in the “A Song of Ice and Fire” and that the story simply ends with a “Well, I guess that didn’t happen… Oh well…” ending….

:[ So: Why the “Illuminati”? Talking to a student about becoming famous, they asked “Can you make me famous?” I replied by asking if the wanted fame or a career? My fellow mentors are I try hard to make sure the students know that fame does not happen magically, that a lot of hard work and years goes into every successful singer’s career. So, I brought up Jay-Z who studies many business and tech magazines. Another student replied “He’s Illuminati. He worships the devil.”

Why Illuminati? So black kids will choose not to look up to Black Successes like Jay-Z and view their hard work as something evil. To make them want fame without all the hard work to set them up for fast failure….

:[ My EGO & My Beliefs Part Two: Last month, for me, seemed like the end of Wisdom of the Sages. But again, ego compels me to keep writing, to hash out my thoughts on the world as I view it. Since it was a perceived ending, it felt right that I come forward with my views. So to clarify: I am an atheist. I know it’s the worst thing to be. What is worse than an atheist? Answer: a Native American Atheist.

No big, bad thing happened to change my mind. It came about gradually through sitting around and thinking, parsing it out logically, seeing that good and bad happens randomly, in equal turns, that altruism and evil are choices made by individuals or groups. I actually credit my dad for putting me on the path toward critical thinking when I was a young boy.

No, I am not turning my back on some thing, since I do not think that that something exists. I am not mad at anything, or about something, or that something did not happen, because luck can change so oft that circumstance is the cause more than anything for good luck or bad.

I am not trying to force my point of view on anyone. You can choose to believe if you want. It's your life. I am not trying to do that. Since I am not trying to convince you, so have the same courtesy.

In the end, it all comes back to ego, the ego of feeling that you are star-spangled awesome that something HAS to be watching out for you, and you alone. We all desire that need to feel special, to feel that our actions, thoughts, and rewards are some sort of specifically-design plan for our own ends. Even your reaction to my revelation is one of ego.

Every generation feels this. That they are the pinnacle of humanity and that society cannot get any better than Generation Whichever.

I know what you are thinking: but how can I do this ceremony that the tribe wants you to do? It is simple: I am being a hypocrite. It is not the spiritual or religious aspect I am participating in, it is the cultural one, the communal one, one where our tribe is taking back these traditions and making them their own again and it stands to tradition that my family is a big part of this ceremony and I happen to be the one given this privilege. It is my duty to do this. So I do it for my family and my tribe. It is that simple.

The reason people cannot admit to being hypocrites is because of their egos… and ego is something I am trying to diminish within myself.

:[ Here is something that needs to stop: dudes stopping in the tracks to go “DAAAAAAYUM Girl!”

That’s it for now. As you can see, I am going by a looser set of rules this month. Maybe for the time being, just to keep my writing from stagnating. Let me know what you think or feel about anything I write here. That invitation is always open. Feel free to comment, critique, correct, or contradict anything you read here. Be a part of the discussion rather than not.

Until next month, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2015 Ernest M Whiteman III