Friday, September 30, 2016


Hello People of the World;

At the time of this writing, the weather has turned to the lesser hot. Meaning that now that autumn has began and it gets cooler, everyone will bitch about how suddenly the world is freezing over; the turning of the earth being a constant surprise to them.

Here we are as fall begins, schools have started, football, and all those other things we thing are more important than clean water. Oh well. Let’s get this month’s edition started, shall we?

1:[ Seriously? For all the over-inflated hipster-ism going on from the obnoxious music on the speakers, to the self-centered, self-righteous discussions and clothing choices, it is the stirring of my iced tea in a "mason jar" glass that causes you to turn your oversized-head-phoned, porkpie hatted head and look in annoyance?

2:[ Said it before, I’ll say it again: Sorry Lenora Fulani, history cares not for you because 1) you belong to the wrong political party, and 2) you belong to the wrong… well… race.

3:[ I have been reading Billie Holiday’s autobiography, “Lady Sings the Blues” and have been riveted by the life she lead. One of my favorite anecdotes is about her and Orson Welles. Very cool. Though she is dictating to a writer, she leaves nothing out and there make be some cases of exclusion, exaggeration, and hyperbole, she does so in a way that allows you to read between the lines on some aspects of her life.

She does not leave out her legal troubles either. She talks about all the times she was busted or in jail. It was pretty detailed in how she lived in prison at one point. She talked about needing cigarettes and how the guards would give and take away “cigarette privileges”.

Seeing how much cigarettes still pervade our society, it brought to mind how much cigarettes were used as mind and behavioral control in prison and how it is still used that way on society in general. The insider Jeff Wigand revealed that tobacco companies knew that cigarettes are addicting and still sold them to people. They marketed and packaged it now as a freedom of choice, but if anyone knows anything of addiction, you are simply choosing your addiction and not any sense of right over your own body. Once a body is addicted, I have read in some studies, it overturns the brain’s capacity for rational decision-making; you have to get your next fix no matter what.

Now, imagine you are in a setting, like prison, where the access to your addiction is controlled and based on how you behave or react to thing they do to you. What would you do to stave off going through the pain of detox?

4:[ There is a reason I try never to delve into or get into politics, which I believe to be the stupidest thing mankind ever invented, because it completely shows how much of a biased, hypocritical society we are.

Look, it is not like if Trump is elected President that suddenly all of us, to a person, are just suddenly going to be good little Nazis. But no one really wants to get into the streets to protest, to wage a resistance, to be violently held in contempt by a society, right? I mean, that is what black people are for!

People just want to maintain their cushy little university jobs or wherever. We are not going to fight fascism when it is elected, because that will only give us a nice target that we can post our opinions against, more on Facebook and Twitter. We can armchair protest and make ourselves feel better because we “think” we are fighting fascism. Much like George W Bush, it will be easy to do, with no cost to our little lives.

Which is why we will elect the “benign dictator”, who has already won by the very means they accuse the other of, they brainwashed, bullied, corralled, and coerced into voting for by giving us no other choices. How is that not fascism? Yet, we are fear-mongered into thinking we had a choice.

So, I guess, looking at politics from the outside and seeing it for the hyperbolic, hypocritical thought-controlling machine it is, is something, I guess…?

5:[ You are not Real enough? Then compare yourself to a fictional character!

6:[ I had a dream where I was The Doctor trying to bring reality back after a mother wipes it out to save her little girl. It began a road trip looking for a place to eat, coming to all these various small town places that seem to be at the edges of the larger Vegas-like metropolis, that all seem to have been in previous dreams of mine. We enter this small diner with wood paneling, a counter and a table. I am sure I have been in this place before in another dream, only in daylight as it is a cloudy dusk outside.

I cannot remember the circumstances that forced the mother to choose to wipe out existence but I do remember feeling a very negative vibe in the small place, as if we walked into a place we were not welcomed.

The next thing, I am inside the mother's home, somehow escaping the enemy that did this. I search for clues to how to return everything normal. I do remember that in my escape attempt, I have the ring finger of my left hand bitten off. I also have my two new companions with me, an older woman with whom I traveled with before and Jon Boyega as Finn for some reason. There is also an escaped lunatic in the basement; Helena Bonham Carter for some reason who is taunting us and shouting nonsense that Finn realizes we left the dog out in the truck. So I use the sonic to expand the force field around the house to let the dog in.

Then we conjure a large wise creature, which tells us a lot of unnecessary ceremony is involved and that we need to shine the ring on my left hand in certain angles to begin. I climb a couch because that angle has me putting my hand where the ceiling meets the wall and the ring is on my right hand. Now that I think of it, this house is a compact version of the Dream House that is in most of my dreams.

The Wise creature pushes away my right hand and takes the ring off of it. It has to be my left hand, "You see?" he says, "A lot of unnecessary ceremony".

He puts the ring on my stub and puts my hand in position. A curtain or something keeps falling in the way of my hand and the light. In a funny moment the Wise creature pulls the curtain aside and the light strikes the ring and across the room at the same position opposite another ring appears.

"You see?" says the old companion to Finn, “he knows what he's doing.” Making me suspect, I am the only one who hears or sees the Wise creature. It is then, Carter shouts from the basement and Finn realizes the dog is outside.

After letting it in, I volunteer to enter the heating vent because that is serving as the portal to the solution for some reason. As I begin to climb through, I wake up. The whole thing was longer and more detailed thatn I am writing here.

I thought this would be a great basis for a "Doctor Who" Adventure, but writing it out now and reading it, it is just a bunch of nonsense.

The Logic of a Dream….

7:[ Wait, you are asking if the bagels are fresh, at a Dunkin Donuts…?

That is it for this month.

I apologize if the content is lacking of late. I find that I want o write more but I keep getting sidetracked with different things that take up my creative energies and the ideas I had to write about either get forgotten or they are incorporated into these new things. I will keep trying to write something interesting though.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2016 Ernest M Whiteman III