Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Hello People of the World;

Here we are in the merry old month of May! Spring has sprung, I guess. I mean, whatever the weather, I am very sure that it will some how, surprise you to no end with its ever-changing patterns. You know, be the weather.

Still, May is commonly associated with Mother’s Day and remembrances. It becomes a month for reflection, both personal and national. I miss my mom and dad, is what I’m saying. There does not pass a day that I do not think of them for five minutes at least. Anyways.

All right, let’s get going:

1:[ MY TALKS WITH BONN: This is a “new item series” for WOS, wherein I recount these special talks I have with my Bonnie as we amble around the landscape. This time I asked her a question: “How long would we live without clocks?”

Have you ever noticed everything but watches and clocks tell time? We have a clock on almost everything now days. It reminds me, once again, of Neil Postman’s book “Amusing Ourselves to Death” where he writes about how mankind, due to the invention of the clock, became time-keepers, then time-savers, now, Time-servers. How everything we do is at the service of “saving time”, of hurrying, hurrying, hurrying. Which begged the question from me to Bonnie, “How long would we live without clocks?”

Imagine had we not had clocks at all? The days would be measured differently; we would sleep when we are tired, we would work when we felt like it, or needed something done. What would our monetary system look like? I mean, how would we pay anybody if we did not measure labor by time? I mean, how would we look at our 'wasted time'? Would we suddenly not care about how much effort we put into something and felt that we did the work when we felt it was the right moment to as well as the right thing to do? Think about that.

Ancient civilizations told time using sundials, etc, but Native Americans always knew it was winter because, well, it snowed. Time passes whether or not we keep track of it. Meaning, would there be such a thing as “time”, if we did not create something to measure it? We would all be living simply in the present moment, at all times. Imagine that…

2:[ MY TALKS WITH CHARK-ATTACK: Another “new item series”, this time covering all the cool discussions I have with my little girl, whom I will call Chark-Attack. One day, as she was driving us to pick up some ingredients for a recipe, she suddenly asked, “What does being “Woke” even mean?” Then, before I could answer, asks,  “And, why do we use it to exclude others?”

The concept of being “woke” is a rather new one in vernacular, but I believe is akin to being “enlightened” about issues of the times. She is correct, we do use such a label to keep a separation between “Us” and “Them.” It is an easy thing to answer – we use it to exclude others because we will always maintain our prejudices and biases. It is that simple….

3:[ The Quality of Movies: I remember when it was a big deal for an actor to push to work in a film of integrity, now, all the acting artists seem to all be falling into these roles in comic book and action films: ie. Cate Blanchett. There was a time when she was considered on of the great actresses of the times, making deep and interesting roles, and you would only see her in dramatic roles that garnered awards-attention. Now, she plays a villain in a Thor movie.

I have been viewing older films from getting a functional television and am struck at how many movies many of my favorite actors have been in and it reminds me that of the times, these films were considered to be big, quality films. Every film released was an event in which audiences wanted to see their favorite actors in. Now days, we simply want to be entertained with crappy movies that we will forget after a couple of weeks and they will dribble onto home video less than two months later. Movies are a mass-produced product now, visual fidget spinners for the short-attention spanned. Seriously, at some point, we will only see dramatic great Michael Fassbender in lowly, forgettable, sci fi actioner-whoops, “Assassin’s Creed” happened.

4:[ Man, I had this great thought that I was going to add to this month’s edition. It came to me while I was watching YouTube and searching the Internet. I think it has something to do with the previous item about the quality of films that today’s stars waning. I think if I begin writing this item that it would somehow return to my mind. I think it was another idea similar to the first item about how would we live without a particular thing. I think it is a riff from my UWP class as well. Shoot. Okay, now I remember: yeah, it doesn’t seem as grand now. It is the next item….

5:[ So, a few days ago, someone on Facebook posted an older article about how scientists could not find where a noise was coming from and 17 years later, they discover that it is their own kitchen microwave oven. People posted on and got great pleasure pointing out the fallibility of science, without reading the article. According to this 2015Slate article, which recounted the story from 2003, it was a noise they could not trace with the equipment they had at the time, the late 1980’s, and when they finally upgraded in 2003, they had to wait to trace the noise due to it being so intermittent. But it turned out that the kitchen door was not fully closed for a couple of hours at night as staff quickly warmed their nightly meals. Once they figure it out, they were satisfied to have figured it out. I mean, sure, people laugh, but it goes to show you that scientists will not quit searching for the truth until they figure it the fuck out!

6:[ Through attending all of these Native American symposia, I have come up with a Native American Version of Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” titled “Get It”. It is a story about a Native American man who meets his suburban princess’ parents and they knock him out and transfuse his blood into the highest bidder so that they can acquire blood quantum, sort of “White Liberal Vampires”, who then use it to gain authority over Native issues and culture. The title comes from all the attendees shaking their heads at the Native speakers as if saying, “Yeah, I get it. Now I can pat myself on the back for how bad I feel about how Natives were treated." They specifically pick Native men to siphon blood from. Why? Because, as in real life, the liberal mindset does not care at all about Native and Indigenous women.

7:[ So recently, I attended the high school and college graduations of my two little girls. Man, I feel old. I remember when they were just little tiny tots running around being happy about the little things we take for granted – new sunglasses, an amusement park visit, a dollar store toy. Now, they are off making their marks on the world. They high school graduation of my Chark-Attack is hitting me especially hard, as she is such a special person to me. Here is how awesome she is. She got me a gift, “for Father’s Day”, a DVD of “Logan”, which her mother says reminds her of the two of us. What a touching thing. But man, I feel old….

8:[ This month also marked possibly my very last “Native Americans in Media” Class at the University of Wisconsin Parkside. I was told that due to a budgetary anomaly, I was able to return to teach the class for the spring semester. They students were great and many of them we are able to figure out the purpose of the final project I assign, well ahead of their presentations. I felt pretty proud. Sure, there was a student whose negative opinion of Natives will never be changed because of their privilege. They are allowed to have their opinion. I never beat them up over it or have it influence my grading for them. They will use the concept I taught them to enforce their opinions. But they have to know that their opinions can be wrong, because, they are, after all, opinions. Anyways, I do not think I will be back to teach there again. As much as I enjoy teaching student about Native Americans in Media and about Media Literacy and Critical Thinking, I think I left a good class behind this time….

9:[ Man, being poor as I am, I think I must be developing this horrible reputation at the coffee shops that I frequent as a “Bad Tipper”. I am sorry that sometimes I do not have the cash or change to drop in the can, or have extra money in the bank to add a tip on the touch screen at the point of purchase. Sometimes, when the baristas see that I have not left a tip on the iPad register, they give me the side-eye, or, when I cannot drop a bill into the ca, they grumble every time I come up to the register. Sorry, baristas, I am poor and sometimes I need an iced tea, or hot chocolate…

That is it for this month, nothing really new to pass on. Life has been plodding along and I have been hit with some difficulties but I am trying to get through them. Nothing to worry about. It will not stop me from writing my thoughts for you month to month.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2017 Ernest M Whiteman III