Saturday, September 30, 2017


Hello People of the World;

Hey, it cooled off this week and now people are freaking out about it. Last week it was piping hot and humid and people were freaking out about that. I mean weather does not happen for your pleasure. It will never stop to consider your feelings or that you happened to wash your car yesterday.

What surprises me the most about the weather is that everyone on this damn rock cannot grasp the fact that, the earth spins and the weather will never be to your liking. It is likes asking a mountain to bow. Accept your powerlessness and move on. Unless it suddenly rains…

All right, let’s get going:

1:[ Opening thoughts: I am staring at a blank screen wondering, what do I do now? What is next? What more can I write about? I have been doing Wisdom of the Sages for years and I know that nobody cares about this thing but me. I am truly writing for myself. I write this as a compulsion to continuance; to make sure that I do not stop writing in any regard. I know that nobody cares about this thing but me. It is not a Facebook post that one can readily react to and instantly counter. I want discussion with Wisdom of the Sages. I demand thinking before reaction. I know that nobody cares about this thing but me. For now, that will have to be enough…

2:[ So, I wrote this review of the Tyler Sheridan movie that the entire fucking planet seems to love: Wind River.

3:[ Truth isn’t good enough.

4:[ So, I was watching this video about a Jurassic Park Fan Theory that Jon Hammond was really running a scam, sort of selling a giant flea circus and the video goes into, scientifically, why the dinosaurs in the movies are really not dinosaurs and that is the basis for the theory. Of course, commentators all chime in with the scientific veracity of this theory. Which is great. But there is the other side that: “Or maybe it's just a movie you aren't mean't (sic) to take seriously from a scientific stand point.

I mean, why CAN’T we take movies seriously from a ‘scientific stand point’? What would movies look like if we actually had sound science behind it? Well, boring. That’s what. Because science affects us in trillions of unseen ways; the very fact you are reading this on a device is science in thousands of ways – from the molecular structure of your device, to the energy powering it, to the air you breathe to remain conscious (kind of) reading it. So, it would be a boring, documentary-like movie.

Which is why we never make a movie about how light bulbs work. It would just be a documentary about Edison fucking people over for the patent rights. Instead we would make a movie about how light bulbs are actually imprisoned creatures that glow when electrocuted that have been trapped there for centuries by an unseen, evil overlord bent on using them to overtake the planet and it is up to a spunky- oh shit, I just wrote a Doctor Who episode!

That is it for this month. You have my apologies for having such a short edition. Life has been plodding along and I have been hit with some difficulties but I am trying to get through them. It will not stop me from writing my thoughts for you month to month, though you may find that we end up with short writings such as these. My jobs and the film festival are my only excuses and I really should not offer them up as such.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2017 Ernest M Whiteman III