Monday, April 30, 2018


Hello People of the World;

Oh my gosh! Now it’s raining! During spring! When it’s supposed too! Sheesh. Will the turning of the earth ever slow down enough for us to never be surpised at the rising of the sun.

Here we are at the end of April. I almost forgot about Wisdom of the Sages, so forgive the short version for this month.

 All right, let’s get going:

1:[ Opening thoughts: Sherman Alexie – We propped him to become the Lone Native Voice and we patted ourselves on the back for it. Now, we are doing it again when it comes to sexual harassment in Native country….

To be continued…

2:[ “Proud Mary” Review: Not the best thing, but not the worst thing either. There are moment where it shines – the actor playing the young boy, some of the action, the fact that the badass assassin also happens to be an African-American woman, and Danny fucking Glover, outweigh the stereotypical mothering theme. I saw how this impacted the community working at the theater. Seeing women coming out of the show excited and proud. It was a goofy action movie about them. That’s it. Yet, it landed with a flourish for them. It was a pretty good flick with some weaknesses weak roles by weak actors and generic Mafioso plot but Taraji P. Henson keeps the focus with a very good performance and believable action stunts. Check it out if you can…

3:[ I am hosting a screening next month at the Wilson Abbey. I hope that more folks come out to see my silly films and film ideas. There is a lot of chest-thumping when it comes to folk stating they support “Native American Film” but I have personally never seen it. So, I go on alone and keep pushing forward toward my film goals. I just know once I get some spotlight the Native community will be there to support me then. Until then, not every one will get what I am trying to do. But the right ones will…

4:[ The Starbucks Thing: I find it funny that in the wake of the infamous Starbucks arrests, hearing all the Starbuck staff of the joints I frequent all chattering away saying “That was that person’s problem. It would never happen here”, and “It should have NEVER had happened!”

But it happened people. It happened. Now, you all have to watch out for how you treat customers now, because the world is watching. The rules of life are simple, there’s just one: just don’t be an asshole toward any customer that you dislike. It’s simple.

Now we have the local, organic coffee front bringing up boycotts, sigh, again. Sorry, no one is going to fucking give up Starbucks, okay? You never went there to begin with because you like to fucking brag about your coffee tastes so sit down Nelson, your call for a boycott will never be heeded because we like getting coffee there.

Don’t even begin to tell me that the local, mom-and-pop, small business, fair market, exotic coffee shops are better. Every one I have been in throw out homeless people on the regular, and call cops on too-loud African-Americans quicker than you can say “double decaf, half-caf, soy free-trade latte”.

So, no, they’re not any better. They just as bad, sometimes worse than Starbucks…

5:[ After a long day at the theater, you just want to go home. I remember once, someone threw a milkshake at me. For real. But I was late coming home last night after a long day, but I could not get to sleep. So, I set my backpack on the seat next to me and pulled “Three Kingdoms” out and read it on the ride to Howard station. Once I get there, I repack the book and pull the backpack over my shoulder, because I was rushing off as I got pulled into the book, I lost time and had to rush to gather my stuff and get off the train.

When I pulled the backpack over my shoulder, I touch to bottom of it to heft it securely and notice it’s wet. I look at the seat next to mine and notice a dark stain. I lift my damp hand to my nose and yep – pee.

I grab every napkin I could to mop off the moisture and wipe my hands down. I rush home. My apartment is suddenly a thousand frickin’ miles away and the walk is longer than ever. I am at a full run on the last block to my apartment building. Once I get inside, I drop everything, wash my hands and empty the backpack and check it for seepage before I wash it off. Luckily nothing was wet or damp. I am now so tired but I do my best. The next morning, it still smells, so I dunk the empty bag into the sink and scrub soap into every seam. I go to work with a damp backpack and all my “Undamaged” valuables in plastic bags to keep them dry.

If there is a lesson to be learn form this, it’s: You can be the most loving, caring, giving, liberal, socially-conscious, mild, and sweetest person in the entire Andromeda Galaxy; that is, until you drop your stuff into someone else’s pee. Then, fuck the world! They need to fucking pay! Drop a nuclear bomb on these people and fucking end them!

It is amazing at how much someone else’s urine can ruin your self-image….

That is it for this month.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2018 Ernest M Whiteman III