Friday, April 20, 2007

April 2007 - Spring

Episode IV: Spring 2007

Hello All;

Happy Easter everybody! Hunt those eggs, praise the Lord, and so on and so forth. I hope every one is enjoying the new spring weather. Sorry to post so late but things come up, you know what I’m saying?

:[ First, I guess, Justin Timberlake is bringing SexyBack; Thank God, now, some one else will have to carry the water for a while.

:[ Superman II: Richard Donnor Cut – Review: Honestly, I should have loved this. But it was actually quite boring. There were some things that were re-added and re-structured, but some things, like the Houston, Iowa bit, which was in the Lester Cut as well, should have been cut altogether. The Super fight was still kind of a letdown.

I loved the Lester Cut of Superman II as a child. It was action packed and had super villians. But now, grown up, I find it less substantiative compared to the myth-building of Superman the Movie.

I did enjoy Brando’s return in the Donner Cut and the scene were he re-powers Kal El (Yes, I’m a geek.) is one of the more powerful scenes in this movie and one of the best of the entire series. (Brando still kicks ass as an actor, even from beyond the grave!) I felt him vastly underused in 2006’s Superman Returns. The Donnor Cut proved to be a bit of a disappointment, though it was good to see Chris Reeve doing some “new” Superman material.

:[ Spending some time in Wyoming: The one state that still plays “Take this Job and Shove it” by Johnny Paycheck on the radio. Plus, the news on the radio is awfully biased in favor of the current administration. It is read as if Bush does nothing wrong and everyone is out to get him.

Plus, Paul Harvey is loosing it

By the way, when I left almost 8 years ago, a drought hit. Now that went back. They are having the most precipitation in 8 years. Yep, I am a god.

:[ It took me some time to realize how much the city of Riverton is surrounded by mountains. And they are actually purple, like the song! It’s good to see the family again. The nieces and nephews are getting big. While in Wyoming I was ushered around by two of my nieces, whom I have known since they were tiny. Geez I felt old.

:[ In the news, many companies continue to state that there is no evidence of Global Warming. Yet, they do not offer any hard evidence that they are having NO effect on the environment?

:[ Children of Men – DVD: I have not yet seen “Pan’s Labyrinth” of the three Mexican Directors’ films. But so far, this one is my favorite. Alfonso Curron continues to improve as a director. I enjoyed Y Tu Mama Tambien, and The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite of the Potter films. But this film is by far his best.

The cinematography, the long single takes, the twists are all done with professional precision that he is years ahead of his contemporaries while not relying on creatures or digital effects. The shot at the end when all the shooting stops as Clive Owen and his charges exit the war torn building. So powerful, it made me cry, openly, without shame. I recommend this one to everyone.

:[ Honestly, I thought I would get more of a reaction out of the National ID item. It’s pretty shocking, all the freedoms we are giving up. Bill Maher said it best on his Real Time program when Democrats accused the citizenry of not sacrificing for the Iraq War.

We have sacrificed; the right to privacy, to due process, the Fifth Amendment, to face our accusers, to not be tortured, to not be held without charges.

Maher said all we have left of the Bill of Rights are guns and religion, and not quartering British soldiers in times of war. “If King Harry decides to invade the Inland Empire he’s going to have to bring a tent”.

Let me know what you think.

:[ Babel DVD – This was pretty hard to watch. A lot of the characters making such wrong decisions. I felt some of the connections between the stories was rather tenuous. For example, the connection to the Japanese hunter father, just so we can see how serious the movie is by showing a naked Japanese girl, kind of bugged me. Brad Pitt continues to improve as an actor but really needs a part he can bury himself in.

I liked the Nanny’s story of crossing the border with her charges. Which is hard to watch with the choices that get made. I actually feel that the actress was robbed at the Academy Awards. I liked the touch of the children understanding her Spanish and answering her in English

Good movie. Though I leave it up to you to decide whether or not to watch it.

Also, when the music comes on for when Cate Blanchett is helicoptered out, I suddenly wanted to watch an episode of Deadwood, because that is the exact same music used on the DVD start-up for the season sets! Deadwood rocks.

:[ My world continues to fall apart! First my Salma is engaged AND pregnant, and not to/by me!

Now CHOW YUN-FAT HAS DROPPED OUT OF “BATTLE OF RED CLIFFS”!!!!!!!! After 3 days!!!! The shoot is mired in difficulty which saw Tony Leung drop out a month before shooting. This adaptation of a portion of “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is China’s biggest production to date. While not a martial arts movie, it is a large production. But now, two of the biggest stars have dropped out. Man, I would have loved to see CYF in this. Now, my interest in the film is waning. Man. What a world. (Although, Tony Leung did return to replace CYF. Hm.)

:[ I can predict right now with on-going coverage of the tragic Virginia Tech Shootings, that this one fact will never be mentioned in any news report; crazy, Korean, and spouting platitudes as he was, it will never be said anywhere that he was a Christian.

Turns out he was very anti-Christianity. Wow. I must have heard the news coverageg wrong or something. But good ol' Christian Cuba sent me info on it. I wonder when all his connections to Islam will pop up. (As if those people haven't been under enough scrutiny in this country.) Read his comment. Follow the link he provides and let me know what you think. See? I can be proven wrong!!!

:[ I was going to make another “Ernest is Sexy” joke here but my wife told me not to. “It’s TOO sexy!” she screamed.

That will do it for now. Again, I invite comment. This blog actually makes it easier for you to do so. So now there is no excuse.

Until next time; “I must!! One more button!”


Anonymous said...

After I read your blog I searched for anything on Cho Seung-Hui's religios beliefs. I came upon this goofy wiki site. Very weird.

Anonymous said...

You'd write a GREAT comedy, Ernest. You know I love your ironic style. Much more effective (and funny, BTW) than the physically and personally unnattractive Bill Maher.

Ronin Redshade said...

Thanks Christian. I may have gotten the wrong idea. Somebody should look into it more. I just heard all the coverage wrong.

Poor Christians.