Sunday, August 19, 2007

August - Summer 2007

Episode VIII
Summer 2007
Hello All;

Summer is upon us and the heat and humidity lies like a fuzzy blanket across our landscapes. Here I am with another edition of your favorite now-blog webpage. I hope you have been well.

Well, the summer of threequels are almost at an end. We have gotten past Shrek 3, Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, Bourne 3, and we are still in fighting trim for what comes next. I had wanted to post his month’s edition on August 16, to memorialize the passing. But that never happened. Anyways, let’s hope you enjoy this month’s edition irregardless. Join us, won’t you?:

:[The 30th Anniversary of Elvis Presley’s Death.
Thirty years ago, on August 16, 1977, the King of Rock ‘N’ Roll died due to heart complications brought on by prescription drug abuse. Say what you will about his girth and sideburns, about his white jumpsuit and fried banana sandwiches, about his cheesy movies and how he stole his songs. This months WOS is in his honor.

Elvis did not sound like anything or anyone one else when he burst upon the scene all fire and sexual bravado, hip swinging and a voice like an angel at war. Now, it is easy to pick him apart about anything that made him. But that is the game the mediocre play when they want to have the same impact he had without doing the work. To ignore that impact would be playing the game of mediocrity. He was the King and I sure as hell wish he was still around to show these new pups how it’s done. So, comeback King. This fan awaits your triumphant return.

:[ On this note, I was watching the E Network, don’t ask me why, though "The Soup" is pretty funny, and what should I happen to catch but one of those E! True Hollywood thingees about Elvis. And man! They were tearing him a new one. I have noticed it is so easy to pick on the dead because they cannot defend themselves. Nothing like an easy target like Elvis. I absolutely hate how he has become something of a joke; the jump suits, the sideburns, the weight, the accent. I am sure that when he comes out of hiding he will not look anything like what he did.

:[ I caught an episode of "At the Movies with Ebert and Roper" today and since Ebert is out sick Roeper has had the spotlight to him self lately with lackluster co-reviewers. Honestly, I think Roeper is pretty dumb for a movie reviewer. His Sun-Times column has, from time to time, been an entertaining look at the mundane of our Chicago society. But for his movie reviews he tends to regurgitate things he has either heard or read into his review; e.g.: his review of the new "The Invasion", he mentioned that this is the third re-make of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and that the original was supposed to be about "Communism and the Red Scare".
I thought, this man is an movie illiterate.

The original "Body Snatchers" was not about Communism but the effects of MacCarthy-ism and the conformity of American Society. Geez! Please Ebert, come back and let someone who actually knows something about the process of movie making critique new releases. I would happily watch you deliver your reviews in semaphore if you had to, but please come back!

:[ There are endless people complaining about the need for CTA, Pace and the State to raise fares and taxes, which goes into such frivolous things as employee salaries, their benefits, you know, all that useless stuff they want so that they can continue to drive our fat asses around while we complain endlessly at how much it costs to ride the bus or put our kids through school and how we complain that our children should have free healthcare.

Yet, we are a society that buys bottled water. Why should we complain?

:[ Deadwood Season Three on DVD:
Well, Bonnie and I finally were able to make it through the third and final season on DVD. At last we saw the formation of Deadwood into a community, the machinations of Hearst versus Swearengen and Bullock. Too bad that this series was cancelled. It left on such an open ending with so many of the storylines still in flux.

Shame on HBO for not renewing this splendid program. Now I hear that the two four-hour movies that are supposed to wrap up the plot lines are not anywhere near being greenlit for production. Dammit! So, to ease your Al Swearengen withdrawal.

:[ Star Wars 30th Anniversary: Say what you will about George Lucas’ creation. It has had an impact that cannot be denied. See my thoughts on why that is above in the Elvis items. Star Wars and Lucas are easy targets. Read my reflections on the Saga coming soon to the new Redshade Report blog.

:[ The Last Harry Potter Book:
I finally read the Seventh and final book of this series. I must admit that I really enjoyed how it all played out. Seven books is a lot of time and effort to invest in literature-wise. But it played out very well. What I dislike is how many literary snobs will think that they are smarter than the material. I see this so much in the arts world.

I believe that Rowling truly does have a place alongside Tolkien, Lewis, and others that have created a complete world. The thing is, she has the added distinction of attracting so many new readers to picking up actual books. You can say that, that is an old argument but how many modern authors can say so about their own works? In this age of instant media and internet bonding, how many authors can say that? That is a phenomenal thing in the literary world and should never be overlook because you dislike the idea of teenage wizards. Look for more on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the WOS Reviews Page later.

:[ How about this spineless Democratic Congress? Passing non-binding resolutions that mean nothing. I will have you know, that once I’m President, we will have no need for such a Senate. In fact, we will have no need for any senate.

:[ Strong Women in Movies: Coming soon on my new blog: The Redshade Report. I do not mean in that parody-esque manner of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report. I decided to start yet another blog, The Redshade Report, to tackle some things that I knew would have no room here on Wisdom of the Sages. Items that took time and space to conjure. Sooner or later you will see my article "Indians? What Indians?" re-posted there. Also coming to the Redshade Report; The mulit-part Series Review of Margaret Coel’s Wind River Mystery Series.

:[ I had an idea for a movie along the same lines as "Idiocracy" but serious, with a serious critique on the dumbing-down of America. One of the concepts I have is a Virtual Reality helmet as the next ultra-mega-trendy video gaming platform. But instead of playing first-person shoot ‘em up games, they would be fighting actual wars only visually digitized because that would make it acceptable to the younger generation to kill and fight wars. Now, I see that I was not that far off. Check out: The America's Army Video Game.

One of the tragic ironies of my generation is that while we stand against the violence of the current war in Iraq, we have no such difficulty with the animated violence of video game play. Hey, it’s not real, right?

:[ The Bridge Collapse - Chicago Connection!
My family and I once traversed that same bridge in March of 2006! Who knew? Thank God we are now safe. When asked for comment, my eldest girl said, "Huh? What?"

:[ How about that "Dark Knight" trailer? I am stoked. I am enjoying the viral marketing for this movie and I will be line for it next June.

Well, that will do it again for this month. I hope all of you are doing well in all things. Please remember to post a comment or feedback and to vote for me in 2008 as a run for the office of President of the United States.

Until Next Time; "I like mine served cold."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are being too harsh on Richard Roeper. However, I will say that since the web site of Ebert & Roeper now has an archive of old reviews, including Siskel, it is quite evident that the movie reviews have been dumbed down with each passing year. Go back and check out some of the Siskel & Ebert reviews and you will see what I mean. Or don't, I don't care, whatever!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!