Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January - Winter 2007 - 2008

Wisdom of the Sages
Episode One: Winter 2007-08

Hello All:

Here we are in 2008 finally.

This year we get to see the next Batman, Indiana Jones, Narnia, U2, and Harry Potter films; we will also see the Three Kingdoms movie by John Woo, and a new Iron Man movie. This year I hope to put my first feature on the fast-track toward production! I hope to write several new short stories, finish another full-length screenplay, shoot several more short films, finish up another novel and work on getting my first short stories collection and novel published.

This, year I hope to be with my family both here in Skokie and in Wyoming. I hope to see my friends on a more consistent basis, stay in touch with my out-of-state friends, see a lot of movies, read more books and comics, and collect more toys and DVDs as well as find that one good job that makes it all possible.

So, here we are with the first crisp, new Wisdom of the Sages for 2008; no creases or wrinkles, that new blog smell still hangs. Look here for a Best of 2007 Edition of WOS Reviews.

Otherwise, let me tell you a little bit about this year so far;

:[So, how did I spend the first day of 2008? As usual, I called my little sister in Wyoming "from the future!". This year the WB’s went Night Sledding. Yep, after midnight we venture to the local snowhill and sled for about an hour. The air was clear the snow casting a bright glow from the street lights that we could see very clearly. I truly recommend it. Super fun.

:[ Blade Runner DVD - The Final, Ultimate, Super, Extreme, Ultra, Maxi-Edition: Ridley Scott has raped my childhood. How dare he change the movie I grew up watching. How dare he insert updated special effects! How dare he added footage that changes a character! Deckard is not a replicant and for Scott to call me a "moron" for not thinking so, proves he is just a money-grubbing hack bent on destroying a sci-fi classic! Lucas never called me a Moron.

I always felt that the glow in the eyes of the replicants were that of a soul. Once Deckard uncovers his feelings for Rachel after so many years of "retiring" replicants does he achieve a soul. I found it a sad commentary that perceived lifeless replicants came to appreciate life more than their human creators thus their eyes glow with the formation of a soul.

Also, making Deckard a replicant ruins the whole reason Roy Batty saves him at the end. Way to go you hack, and thank you very much for destroying my childhood!

:[ The Chicago Theater: the WB’s went to a show there and I was blown away at how beautiful a building it is. My youngest as well. She remarked at what a pretty building and wanted to walk around and explore. I wished we could have. I can kind of see now what historical landmark groups are thinking. Beautiful building. I want the film fest to play there.

:[ Which brings me to my next item: I am getting pretty tired of people budging the lines. Why do people feel justified in pushing ahead into the line irregardless of the people who have been waiting patiently the whole time. I mean in stores, libraries, coat checks, traffic, anywhere where there is a line of people of vehicles waiting to be services does someone come along like they are so important and NEEDED RIGHT AWAY, they cut into the front of the line like they deserve to be served first.

I was waiting in line at the library when an old lady stepped out of line, a couple of people in front of me, and proceeded to dig through her purse while the line moved on without her. When I was next, she calmly stepped back into line ahead of me without going to the back of the line. I tell herthis but she says that she was in line earlier. I tell her, "But you stepped out of line." She does not respond and calmly walks over to the next available library assistant and checks her shit out.

I told you about that woman in Menard’s, right? Who about those folks who wait in between two lines and when one moves faster, hops into it irregardless of the people in that line. Please, someone, tell me what to do.

:[ The First Tenant of any Dictatorship is Hypocrisy. Socialism or Communism get bad raps for the dictators whom ruthlessly enforce the doctrines. Yet, both can work as feasible social philosophical constructs, well, um, on paper. The problem is the leadership; think Mao, Lenin, Stalin. All were hypocritical in not living the doctrine. (Which is what makes their ruthlessness all the more "evil" in the eyes of others.)

So, in theory, ANY political ideology can be corrupted into tyranny by the hypocritical abuses of its leadership.

Even democracy, IF the leadership chooses to ignore the basic tenants of democratic principles, human rights, and freedoms; and live in a fashion in direct opposition to those democratic tenants. So, the hypocrisy of a rich man leading a democratic country, founded on the tenant that ALL men are equal, while taking away certain freedoms and rights guaranteed by a constitution, should be viewed as a hypocritic step towards a dictatorship...

Good thing that hasn’t happened.

:[ Three Kingdoms UPDATE: Still working through the early parts. Lu Bu has been forced out of the kingdom after helping to depose Dong Zhou. He holes up with Liu Bei and when Liu Bei leaves the youngest of his two Brothers to protect the city and goes off to War, Lu Bu takes over his province thanks to Zhang Fei’s drunkenness and cruelty to his army. Liu Bei is such a cool guy that he allows Lu Bu to maintain it simply because he won it fairly.

My script based on the Three Kingdoms is sitting in at 13 pages, mainly the introduction of the three main characters. I have it outlined up to the Battle of Red Cliffs and the kingdom of Han is split into the Three Kingdoms. I hope to shoot the first ten pages as a short film very soon.

:[ I am so looking forward to The Dark Knight Movie. I have always liked the direction Christopher Nolan took with Batman Begins and his direction for the Joker in this one. Crying fanboys will lament the Joker not being pulled right from the comics. Ease up man, these are based in a quasi-reality. Or Plausality, as I coin. But, many don’t realize that the Joker has no clear origin or look. So, after seeing the "leaked" Prologue on YouTube, I am ready for more. Your thoughts?

:[ The Shoshoni Connection Update: The script is so very near its re-write that I am hoping to start to scare up some support for production. I will post the synopsis soon in hope of getting cast and crew interested. I have a few actors in mind that I want to offer this too first But I hope to shoot on it within a year. Look to the Redshade Productions MySpace page for storyboards and costuming.

:[ The WB’s took part in the Family Bingo Night at the Skokie Public Library. Let me tell you, it was a cut-throat place to bring the kids. Bonnie and the Girls all won a games, as well as some kids and parents sitting at their table. But man, when ever someone won a game at the table the other parents would just start getting mad and making mean remarks, all over LIBRARY BINGO! No wonder we are raising a generation of bullies. Parents teach their children to be mean and ugly over something as silly as prize bingo!

:[ The Britney Spears Meltdown: Why is everyone acting surprised, or even happy, it happened, that she deserved what happened, when, from almost the age of 12 and achieving our definition of success, has been under the media microscope constantly? Who wouldn’t crack-up when all of your personal choices are made public and all of your failures are celebrated? Celebrated.

Now, I’m not of that "LEAVE BRITANY ALONE" ilk. But there comes a time when we should take a step back and just stop. You know?

What did she really do but achieved fame at a young age? Meanwhile, we sat on our collective asses and laugh at her from our keyboards, talking about that movie we are writing that will change the entire medium or staging that play that will redefine the art, or writing that Great American Novel that will not be like anything that hasn’t been written thousands of time before, but we don’t care about success because it’s all about the art.

Now, Spears is not a good mother. By no means. Nor was she that capable a singer. But shine that constant 24-7 media glare on any of us and we will eventually get caught doing something just as stupid. So, let’s take a step back and stop it for now.

:[ Let’s face it, we are a Nation of Alcoholics. Do you realize the sheer amount of alcohol available to us almost everywhere? On planes, trains, in restaurants, hotels, airports, sporting events, concerts, art gallery openings, even grocery stores? How about wasting time in a bar, pub, club? Why? "Having fun".

:[ An addendum from My Bonnie, "Women have enough to worry about when it comes to this, now we are asked to 'Use it for good?!'" Click on 'What you can do" and scroll down to "Get a tee" and read that message. Come on....

- D WAR Review: In anticipation of the DVD Release
-Jesus in the Context of his times. (Believe me, I’ll get this finished.)
-REDSHADE REPORT: Women in Films - The Ghost in the Shell Television Series.

That will do it for this month. Keep an eye out for those note. I hope you are able to comment or reply. Let me know what you think. Do I really need a sense of humor? Vote now.

Until Next Time; my Wife tells me I REALLY need to lighten up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about starting a website of line cutters and line hogs, take pictures of them with a camera phone and post them on the website. It might work
