Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June - Summer 2008

Wisdom of the Sages
Episode VI
Spring 2008

Hello People of the World!

Here we are once more. I hope this crazy warm weather hasn’t been getting you down. A lot happening in the world it seems. It’s just that I cannot work up the enthusiasm to write about it. So much going on with myself as well. But I try to keep my head above water. I hope you can stay afloat too. Anyways. On with the show:

:[ So, finally, Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination. This is history. An African-American man is on the ticket to be elected president. I am very proud of being an American as a result. Just when I thought I had become cynical about US politics, this happens. I would have been just as happy had Hillary Clinton won it. Still, she can run again and still make history. I am so proud in fact that I think I will fly a flag come Flag Day.

:[ I am working on so many video projects that I don’t get anything done on them. Know what I’m saying?

:[ Have you noticed that the White House is calling Scott McClellan’s new book, which is critical of the Bush Administration, all kinds of things, "sour grapes", "surprising", and McClellan himself "disgruntled"?

But did you also notice they never call him a "liar"?

:[ I thought I would give this movie it’s own review: Indiana Jones and the Be All End All of Childhood Nostalgic Cinema. Coming soon.

:[ The is a report out that states the Bush Administration has not been truthful in leading the US to war with Iraq. Yet, how many networks covered it? So, every body and their dog are coming out and saying Bush lied yet the public hears nothing on it. Yet, these same networks were every where in the lead up to war. Sheesh.

:[ I have discovered, that I still like Nutter Butter cookies....

:[ People talk so much about making a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. I’m confused. So, where in the US Constitution does it guarantee heterosexuals the right to marry?

:[ So, now, I have three part-time jobs. Need to get that cash rolling in. Part-time at IIT, The Field and Emily Oaks. AND ON TOP OF THAT, I am editing a promotional video. That’s pretty cool. So, my days have filled up quite considerably. Yet, I still find time for you, Dear Readers....

:[ Yesterday on the train I was officially described as "Tall as Hell" by this very short, very pretty African-American woman...

:[ Three Kingdoms UPDATE: Two-volume, Updated, Unabridged Version: So, now, the three Oath Brothers have passed on and the three kingdoms are at relative peace. Liu Bei has left his son, the Second Emperor of the Han-Shu under the care of Kongming. Kongming now leads a vast army to conquer the southwestern Man people.

As for the screenplay. Still sits outlined and script unfinished. I have turned my energies to writing a grant to shoot this as an independent feature. Hopefully, it will be the follow-up to Shoshoni Connection. I think my approach is original in some respects. People I have mentioned it to have been surprised with what I have done with it. I count it among five planned projects I have in store. Stay tuned.

:[ I hope you enjoyed the Cannes preview of "Red Cliffs". I cannot wait. But, it hasn’t gotten US distributing yet. Bummer. I love the music in it as well. Hurry to snap this up US. I’ll bet you right now that Sony Pictures Classic will nab it....

:[ The next time you hear someone in a movie say "I don’t know anything anymore", chalk that up to lazy writing. If I hear someone say that in real life my reply would be "You’re telling me you just crapped your pants, right?"

:[ The Wisdom of the Sages sets a trend. Some time ago, I point you all to this video and now, every one is jumping on the bandwagon. Even Chicago Tribune.com ran a story on it. Sheesh.

:[ With the new construction happening on the I-94, I have noticed that drivers have become more courteous when they have to travel in two lanes. Unless of course, they are in the express lane...

:[ The Shoshoni Connection UPDATE: I have decided to move forward with a funding search. I will write up a couple of grants. But, most first features are self-financed. Yikes. But, I will need to take the time to write out the next draft. I have also decided to register the first draft with WGA. Rod doing so with his latest, inspired me to do so.

I have let another friend in on the story and proposed action sequences and he was impressed. I hope I can pull this off. I’ll let you know any major happenings in regards to my feature film debut.....

:[ So, the Redshade Report is severely lacking. I am behind on three articles there. First, Women in Film with regards to the Ghost in the Shell TV series. Next, my diatribe on "Native American Experience. Lastly, the next part of my Margaret Coel Series’ Misrepresentation of Northern Arapahos. But, worry not, I’m still toiling away on them....

:[ So, I was walking down State Street when all of a sudden, a white, suburban kid in baggy, wore-out khaki shorts, hemp necklace and facial stubble, which stood in contrast to his enormous silver watch and La Coste sneakers, wearing a "Greenpeace" t-shirt and holding a clipboard walks up to me and says, "Hey, you’re a Native American, why not help us fix the environment?"

I was wearing my NATIVE PRIDE cap, thusly; I stared him right in the eyes and said, "Why? You guys fucked it up."

I walked away leaving him with a surprised, confused look on his face and mostly to get away before he could come back with a retort, like; "Pollution still affects us all, man" or "Would you leave it for our grandchildren to deal with?" either of which would have made me have to stop and listen to him, because he would be right. Anyways...

:[ Step Father’s Day: A WB Household tradition usually celebrated between Mother’s and Father’s Day. This year I went to the Movies with my Girl Charlotte, saw the Hulk, and later, went to see "The Happening" with my Bonnie. I racked up 14 DVD movies as gifts: The Dollars Trilogy (3), the Rocky Series (6), I bought myself Tombstone SE, Heat SE, and Ronin (3), and earlier bought "There Will Be Blood", "Wings of Desire" (Which I couldn’t believe I didn’t own yet at the time I bought it.), and "Faraway, So Close!", Wender’s "difficult child" but still worth having.

So, I’m swimming in movies right now....

:[ What ever happened to dressing up to perform? Remember Sinatra, Dean Martin, any big female performer of the 50's, 60's and 70's? They all dressed up to the nines to perform in front of people. They knew that in addition to singer and performing they had to look their best because it was respectful to the audience. Now, we got stupid kids in t-shirts and eyeliner acting like they haven’t "sold out" because they look like hobos. Come on.

That will do it for this month.

I’m sure you are all wondering "What happened to ‘the Note’ and why haven’t I received mine yet?" I can tell you honestly, I keep running out of time. See the item above for sort of a flimsy excuse. All in all, I hope you do take the time to leave a comment. Let me know you’re alive out there, as The Boss would say.

Until next time;" It is what it is or we better go do somethin' else."

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