Saturday, May 16, 2009

May - Spring 2009

Wisdom of the Sages
Episode V
Spring 2009

Hello People of the World;

Hey. Guess what? Turns out, I am toh-tally right about the "Watchmen" movie. Yeah. Cool, huh? No one disagreed. You See? If more people listen to me, the world would be a much different place. Don’t you think? Hah.

Clearing out the old mailing list this month. Yeah, a lot of you have moved on. Yes, I do keep track of my readership here and it’s not at all reassuring but it keeps me writing and getting over the fear of committing an opinion to the masses. (CODE FOR: Feel sorry for me please.)

Let’s get started, shall we?

:[ First item of the month: Today at the coffee shop I saw an elderly gentleman come out and began wiping down his car. He had a spray bottle and a washcloth. It me made realize the different generation he comes from. People tend to take autos for granted these days. Here is a man who probably worked his whole life to be able to afford a car and once he got it, he is of the belief of taking the best care you can to keep it in good shape and make it last as long as possible.

Cars are a reflection of the person who owns it. That is why most keep it clean, running well and in good condition for as long as possible.

I remember my dad was the same way. He did his best to take car of the cars we had. People like to make fun of the junked cars in the front yards of Indian’s houses. Even Indians make fun of the "rez car". But thinking about it, once we got a car we had to hold on to it as long as possible, keeping it running, just so the family can get around to do business.

Even the junkers were not junkers really, but simply non-operating cars waiting to be started up again. Indians believed that they could get them going again. We are resilient when it comes to keeping things with us. Then, when you are able to get a new car, you used it. Let the junker sit in the yard until it’s needed again. Indians are pragmatists that way. Indians do not discard old things.

Junked rez cars are a testament to the hopes of Native peoples.

Which is why I never make fun of the junked car in the yard of Indian homes. To me it represents the idea of never giving up on a thing, that you can make it work again, if not now then, someday soon.

Nowadays, it’s about superficial stuff of how garish and fast you can make a car look. Dude, do you really need the spoiler? Are you going to flip doing speeds of 30 on the expressway? But no one ever just takes care of his or her auto like this gentleman did today.

:[ Miss California – Let’s face it. She’s getting all this attention and becoming famous for simply being a bigot.

Strange world we live in.

:[ Redshade Productions Update:
HAMLET: A trailer is done. It is more of a teaser though. I have filmed some scenes and hope to get an All Roads Film Project grant so I can pay people to help me. (So much for the giving nature of art creation.)

If postponement happens on Hamlet, I have yet another project in the pipe ready to go. This one may prove to be more along the lines of what people want to work on.

The First 10 Years: The premise? So, come September, I will have lived in Chicago or the surrounding areas for ten years. Yep, that’s true. And while many things comes and go that define Chicago; building names, sports park names, US-owned companies, the loyalty of Chicago Sports fans, the success of Chicago sports teams, the success of corrupt Chicago politics, the idiotic notions of what to put on a fucking hotdog, one thing has remained steadfast in all my years here that has defined Chicago as a city, for me at least.

I am talking about the Congress Hotel Protest.

When I first moved here, it was all over the news. And walking by there the other day saw that it was still happening. Several questions sprang to mind that I would like answered. I decided to make a short documentary about it. Maybe something I can upload to CURRENT TV’s website.

That is my next project. Treatment is registered.

I am also considering filming My Bonnie’s screenplay called "The Arapaho". That is now on the list.

:[ Also at the coffee shop I saw a married couple with their baby stop in and the man was talking to his wife like… well, like he was still trying to impress her. That was cool. He still wanted his wife to be impressed with him because he still holds her opinion of him in high regards. I cannot recall if I ever treated Bonnie that way. I like to think I did. I did love making her laugh. But seeing that and the Old Man keeping his car brought a smile to my face today.

Goes to show that the world is not yet ready for my iron-fisted rule.

:[ Pet peeve number #1 for today: Rihannabes. You’ve seen them around.

:[ Michelle Obama, what is happening to her? From what I understand, she is a lawyer herself with the same degrees and accomplishments as Obama academically. Yet, now, she is just the tour guide with cutesy adventures and silly and pink. So much for equality. I remember how much flak Bill Clinton got for putting Hilary in charge of health care. I mean there is nothing wrong with the First Lady trying to help out in making policy. Men have it sooo easy in this world. Admit it.

:[ I have had a series of good discussions with my co-worker Deb and have found that I CAN make my point plenty clear if I am ever in a good discussion like I have at work or else where. So, I present:

Office Talk #1: The Dumbinging of America: The explanation of the probable probability of Swine Flu.

Deb noticed this after reading a recent headline about school evacuations because "the possibility of Swine Flu at the school." The next line in the article goes on to explain that the possibility of Swine Flu only means that Swine Flu is a possibility. Really? No sh*t! I could have never have figured that one out with their use of the word "possibility" and all.

My Bonnie and I have long noticed an Infantilization of America: big, bright TV’s and ads, devices that tell you what to do and what to watch and how to drive, and I am glad that other people have noticed it. Pretty soon we will be a society of big, lumpy babies that are whisked everywhere on mechanical arms.

:[ Most of the ideas and points I have come from conversations I have had or have with My Bonnie. She is the primary driving force behind WOS in some senses. You all owe her thanks for all she has done for Wisdom of the Sages over the years. Hmm. I guess I do still care that I am trying to impress her.

:[ Susan Boyle, really? Okay. I can see that.



Wait for it. That train is never late.

Here comes the backlash. We will NEVER allow someone who looks like her to succeed. What is the best way to combat her natural singing talent? Cute kids that also sing. Aww. Nothing like exploiting cute little moppets to counter the non-attractive.

:[ I frequent the Uptown Borders Bookstore café. Walking there from the train every Saturday I pass the Bank of America there on Broadway. Every time I do I see a security guard standing in the window. Now, what sets this security guard apart is that this one is a beautiful young woman and, talk about the role of women in society because she looks fucking tough. She carries a big pistol and just stands there. I guess it may be the supposed power and ugliness of the pistol juxtaposed with the grace and beauty of the woman. She is in charge, in control. I am working up the courage to ask to take her photograph.

:[ Reading the Yahoo Sports page, it went into the in-depth analysis of the collapse of the San Antonio Spurs, really? I have noticed over the years that we are more adept at sports analysis than we are of social, financial or political analysis, then, we act surprised when all those things collapse on themselves.

:[ Pet Peeve of the Day #2: A bunch of assholes sitting around talking philosophy. Which always, always, ALWAYS de-evolves to trying to impress the people around you with your intellectual acumen. Really. No matter how much you think sitting around discussing a philosophy is to the greater good of societal betterment, nothing beats an well-oiled, ego-lubing at the hands of your intellectual lessers.

Here’s the real secret of it folks, philosophy, much like organized religion, and the Concept of Art; is, bullshit. Really. Especially sitting around talking about it. It is no more important talking about making a good life in the time you have than does sitting around talking laser sword colors or pissing and moaning the pronunciation of Naboo or the ending of Watchmen. Really. No more important than that. Because in the end both accomplish the same fucking thing: Absolute fuck-all nothing.

This bunch of caramel-heads was talking about Taoism today. What pissed me off was that one brought up my beloved Three Kingdoms. Yergh! Now you may say that I should ignore them, but when 2500 of them sit around talking at the top of their lungs, it gets pretty hard to do so.

I found myself saying, almost aloud, "Give me a frickin’ break" at almost every contrived thing they said. It de-evolved to "Are you still Tao-ing even if you do not proclaim yourself a Taoist?" For real! An actual quote! Jesus. (Hey-suz, I mean.)

When they discuss something that loud, you know their motive is simply to be heard discussing "important" things. That’s it. That’s all.

Otherwise, why at a coffee shop?

:[ A high school junior skips senior year to play professional basketball. Really? Reading the story on this the parents proclaimed there was no other option for their son. He will go pro in Italy, signing on to an NBA team camp. Cripes. You mean this was their option to practically getting a free education at any University willing to put him through four years of college as long as he keeps making baskets? Really? They turned away a free education!

I keep finding evidence to support my claim that professional sports have become a form of reverse slavery. But, the oppressors have become savvy. Instead of shackling them into a life of hardship and servitude, they make African-American men LOVE their captivity! It keeps them from entering the work force on any level. While still shackling them into a life of servitude. Gotta win those championships!

And let’s face it: It is easier to tear down an African-American sports star than an African-American doctor. Keeps them in their place, you know? Maybe I’m wrong?

:[ Pandemic Panic: Flu versus Swine Flu
What bugs me is all the talk radio hosts spewing prejudice, calling for the closing of the border to Mexico. One radio show got a call from a California businessman (their primary audience) who was all worried about the allowing of goods across the border. Well, we’ll need to find a way around that because business needs to go on, despite the potential deaths of human beings, Mexicans mostly, but who cares, right? Simply put: Media promoting bigotry

Deb, my office co-worker checked the facts: you are more likely to die from the regular flu than swine flu. 36,000 people die annually, ANNUALLY. That means every year that many people in the US die from the regular flu! EVERY YEAR! The REGULAR FLU!

How many people died in the US from Swine Flu in the three months since this started? Three.

So, why the hubbub? One: to have something to blame the current administration for and, two: to give vent to our racism against Mexicans. That’s all. During W. Bush’s time in office, more people died from Bird Flu than Swine Flu yet no one blames him. People are smarter than this, right?

(258 deaths worldwide from Bird Flu according to the World Heath Organization. There are 12 confirmed deaths from H5N1 (Swine Flu) in Mexico and 3 in the US. In case you didn’t think I’d "bring it".)

:[ Three Kingdoms UPDATE:
FINALLY, finished the two-volume, updated, unabridged, Moss Roberts translation and you know what? I want to frickin’ read it again! I’ll steer towards the one volume updated abridged version. This was my first reading of this edition. The only reason it took me this long to finish it is because the movie based on the Battle of Red Cliff came out and I was pre-occupied with that for some months. As is well documented here.

It ends in the same manner as all the rest. The Sima clan takes control of the Wei Kingdom from the Cao clan, renaming it the Jin Kingdom and then invades the Riverlands and the Shu-Han Kingdom. Gallant Jiang Wei tries valiantly to debar them, but is constantly recalled by the weakly Emperor whom eventually surrenders to the Jin to keep his throne. The Southlands and the Sun clan hear of this and promptly surrender themselves, again thanks to weakened leadership and the Jin Dynasty is borne after 80 years of warfare during the Three Kingdoms Era.

:[ Pet peeve of the Day #3: Please. Stop asking me which one is the correct version to read. If you truly enjoy reading and not turning it into something to show off about, you can decide for yourself. I found all versions to be great. But then, I like reading.)

:[ First 100 Days of Obama: dude, the guy only had 8 years to fuck things up, why does O have only 100 days to pick up after his lazy ass?

:[ Pet peeve of the Day #4: Conversation stealers. In that I do not mean that they hog all the attention of the conversation with facts about them. I mean those people who take arguments from ME and re-hash them back at me months later as if it were their own idea! When I remark on something and they say "Oh, I never thought of it that way", then in another conversation much later, they will pop the claws with my gem and who ever is there will remark they have heard it before but this person will say, "No, I’ve always thought that."

Now, I guess it is just ego talking but I do try to give credit to another’s person ideals. I bring up my buddy Cuba a lot in conversations because he has a cool way of viewing things that I never thought of. Then I joke that I’m gonna steal his idea. The only idea I stole of his that never gave credit to him was the whole breakfast cereal as lunch during a movie shoot idea. But, he was there and I still tell people it was his idea. So, I am not too proud to be hypocrite enough to announce that in this sense.

:[ Boldly Going There Again – My spoiler-heavy review of the new Star Trek movie. CLICK HERE.

WARNING: Do not read if you have not seen the movie!

:[ I was going to write of my social status since the divorce here but after some thought felt it would be getting too personal. Really, who cares? So, you really lucked out. (CODE FOR: Really feel sorry for me, please!)

Usually, folks tend to respect my solitary nature. Besides, I have a lot of other things on my plate and to be honest, the last time I tried, the outcome only succeeded in convincing me my time for all that goofiness has passed. Maybe when I’m eighty.

:[ Pet Peeve of the Day #5: I have tried to change my habits in the friendship/social sense trying to make it to events like gallery openings, book readings, and the like in support of friends. But I hate it when I am told about something and I show up and I’m the only one there and the person who mentioned it was "too busy" or "just decided not to go" and that really pisses me off, a bit.

Because I hate making the effort if a friend is not going to be there. I mean, that is the whole point of mentioning an event to a friend right? So, everyone can be there and experience it as friends (or co-workers). Oh well. But I am trying harder to make it out to any event or happening I am invited to. It is my New Year’s resolution.

:[ From the "This Just In" Department: The Pope supports a Palestinian State. Who saw that coming?

:[USA Today major headline yesterday? "What Tom Hanks character had the worst hairstyle?"

Really? This is what the media of today is trying to sell us as important? Well, there’s our problem. No one really cares to see the world beneath its shiny veneer. I don’t know. Tom Hank’s characters’ hair. Wow.

:[ Last Item of the Month: Space trash
Remember that scene in WALL*E where the space ship leaves Earth flying through a layer of rusted debris floating just beyond the atmosphere? Yeah, I guess we are not that far off from that. In reality, NASA keeps tracks of scads of pieces of space junk, which is a lot. Look at this image to put that in perspective.

The other day on the train I overheard the usual mooks making light of a recent shuttle mission to the Hubble that NASA characterized as "risky" due to the enormous amount of space junk floating the same distance out as the big, telescopic satellite. They laugh because they did not think it was hard to simply replace a small component on the Hubble in zero-G, with the risk of a random scrap of metal from an old satellite collision (Happens ALL the time) puncturing your space suit killing you instantly.

Man, even our waste has grown out into the reaches of space. I mean, how fucking messy and wasteful is mankind? No wonder the earth is trying to burn us off like a lesion or cancerous growth. On that happy note:

That will do it for this month. I hope you are doing okay. Stay tuned for the latest edition in about four weeks. Please feel free to comment, question, or tell me I am wrong. Go ahead. Think you can take me? Well go ‘head on then. It’s your move.

Until Next Time; "Uh, no."

© 2009 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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