Friday, May 18, 2012

May - Spring 2012

Episode V

Hello People of the World;

Here we are, in the fifth month of 2012: May, regularly deemed the month for mothers as Mother’s Day is scheduled for this month. Funny, I don’t remember my mom ever being a mom just one day a year. That’s damn peculiar. Especially touching was that May was also my mom’s birthday month. Happy Birthday Mom!

In other news I just returned from a trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota, having been invited to a Native artists gathering (I know, right?) by my niece, Missy, a filmmaker herself. It was very good to see Missy and Louis and to meet Mike and Molly, a fun time was had by all. They talked weird up there too, things like “inclusiveness” and “art isn’t about money” and “we”. You know, things I never heard before from a Native Arts Community. Weird. Anyways….

Let’s get started, shall we?

1:[ First item of the month: Okay, so, my DVD, which has been dying a slow death since I last mentioned its troubles a year ago, has finally started to show wear and tear. It barely plays new DVDs now, which it never had a problem with before, while older and used DVDs took some effort and foreign or Asian DVDs just stopped working. (Maybe my DVD player is racist??) Recently, I put in Steven Soderberg’s “Haywire” in to play. Suddenly in the middle of the opening sequence there was freeze-frame on the action, neat, a nice Soderberg touch, then, BAM, jump cut back to the start, then another freeze-frame, the same scene again. Wow, Soderberg is going all-out with the film tricks. More than usual in the first 10 minutes.

Then it freeze-frames again and does not play any further. Only then do I realize that it wasn’t a cadre of Soderberg tricks, but my old DVD player was just conking out….

2:[ Here’s a cool thing I saw the other day; a kid get on the bus this morning ahead of me. He is probably in grade school yet. He takes his time getting his farecard out, while I have mine at the ready. I pay with my card and follow him up the aisle the bus is already moving and the inertia makes it hard to move forward due to the g-force of acceleration. Then, suddenly the bus switches gears, the boy freezes then actually allows his own inertia to carry him to the back of the bus and an open seat. It was frickin’ cool to see him do that, to know how inertia works, to have the presence of mind to actually come up with that. Me? I nearly toppled over….


+ I went and saw THE CABIN IN THE WOODS with my buddy Cuba. Pretty neat flick. It wasn’t anything too memorable or scary. But in the end, I hereby declare it “Ghostbusters 3”. Hell, it even has Sigourney Weaver in it!

+ The Avengers: or, “On why three-quels fail….”
Okay, here’s the problem I had with The Avengers. After shorting the likes of Iron Man 2, THOR and Captian America with sped-up second halves to get here, I never really got the sense that they were in any sort of danger. I guess they shouldn’t be, they’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Loki never seemed like a viable threat and a sudden death seemed empty and used as a device to make the threat “real”. I knew they would win. They gave up character progress in their individual movies to get here and the whole thing seemed…. Stock. You know?

Which is why most three-quels, or part three’s fail so miserably. We’ve already seen the heroes save the day against the odds, twice already. What are the chances we will see them fail on this third time? Which confuses me about the Harry Potter series, he kept surviving, how could we not expect him to survive once more come the last movie? (Oh, shut up about spoilers, it’s a kids book series. Sheesh.)

That’s what I got from The Avengers. Just a whole lot of Robert Downey Jr. acting like a smart-ass to bland, maskless heroes. They were going to save the day anyway. I must admit, that HULK gets a great boost from this film with a Bruce Banner played by an actor that actually fits the role and HULK smashing it up. Too bad Cap and Thor were played by b-team actors. Still, it was a fun ride, which is what fans want, I guess, ‘splosions, a smart-ass, ScarJo’s cleavage and Sam Jackson doing things. All in all, an empty shell, a Faberge egg of a movie directed by the fanboy’s messiah…. I enjoyed it but am not really compelled to see it again. Which hasn’t stopped it from becoming a huge blockbuster. Which only goes to show, the era of serious film is over and in its place stands The Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes…. Recommended.

+ DARK SHADOWS: I was never a viewer nor a fan of the old soap opera which Time Burton and Johnny Depp base their most recent collaboration on. I never scheduled my life around reruns or viewing of the series. I never knew who Barnabus Collins was outside of seeing the show every now and then. I did try to watch the 90’s remake series with Ben Cross but that was boring. So, I approach this movie without the baggage of it being some fragile part of my childhood and view it with an unbiased opinion that cannot be offended due to nostalgia.

Let’s face facts, as big a fan as you claim to be, you’re never going to shell out the cash to purchase the entire Dark Shadows series on DVD, or if you do, you’re never going to watch with a fervor of enjoyment and discovery. It’ll just gather dust next to your V: The Series boxset.

What we get is another fun Burton/Depp collaboration. It’s funny, weird and goofy. Nothing new, unconventional, or original for this team though. Depp, as you know, plays Barnabus Collins, cursed by a jilted witch lover and buried for nearly 200 hundred years only to be dug up in the 1970’s. Much of the movie is play for the laughs of a fish out of time scenario. But the story kept my interest and the humor wasn’t over the top or corny. Michelle Pfeiffer is beautiful and the rest of the cast is well used. I am starting to get a creepy vibe every time Hit Girl gets cast…. Fanboys are weird in their attractions.

Not a great movie, certainly not better than The Avenger, (I guess…) but fun and expected film from Burton and Depp, one of these days they will collaborate on something really different and special…. I’ll keep an eye out. Recommended

+ Lately, my Bonnie and I have been watching more grown-up fare with our Boo. She seems to have gotten an interest in some really good movies of late. Interest sparked no doubt by her big sister’s own interest in films. (Sam has so far absconded with my The Godfather, [Which Sam proclaim was great] The Godfather Part Two, Citizen Kane and Blade Runner DVD. Char, has viewed with Bon and I, The Silence of the Lambs, Eastwood’s J. Edgar, Nolan’s Inception, and Wayne Wang’s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Boo will immediately dissect the films, talking about performance, even make-up effects and story elements; a real critic in the making. It just gladdens my heart to see these two really dig into movies beyond their years and really understand and have the ability and intelligence to critique them….

+ So, I am catching a couple of film events coming soon. It seems that Citizen Kane is playing next month in Evanston. Considered the greatest American film ever, it is always great to see it on the bog screen. Also, Rifftrax will be broadcasting a new film in August. Both seem like a perfect chance to take El Trio out to the flicks, since it seems that their tastes are maturing….

4:[ Cuba Talk: So, one more thing about C2E2, Cuba and I perused the many, many, MANY vendors there at the con. I peek around for cool Batman figures or a trade paperback or back issue I missed and might find on sale. One of the funniest things is discovering all the really weird and outright disturbing action figures that are put out for the public and then never get sold. Last year, we found PLATOON, action figures, for real. Why PLATOON, one of the most important film on the experience of US soldiers in Vietnam ever made and we have to have action figure because there was boom-boom-‘spolsions, soldiers saying cool soldier shit and shoot ‘em up action in it. Sheesh. We should grow the f*ck up, you know?

So, this year, while looking for an “Incredibles” tee shirt for my Char, Cuba asks me what the best action out there is. My response: the Rocky IV Ivan Drago Action Figure. Think about it. There would only be one mold, with Drago in red or yellow, no other variation. Plus, it’s rare too, why? Who the fuck knew they made Rocky IV action figures. No, they made action figures for ALL the Rocky movies with all kinds of variations, Rocky in street clothes, training clothes, boxing robe, pre-beat-up Rocky, and beat-up Rocky, and that’s just the first movie! Cuba wondered about the Clubber Lang to which I assured him there are variants (as we say in the biz…) of Clubber Lang.

Still, I have not seen Pet Store Adrian or Ghost Mickey figures yet, but I’m sure they’ll have them. My pick is Drago for sheer rarity….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Readers for more of:

Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ Why do stupid people still park in the handicapped space or in the restricted space next to it? Just to get a damn refill….

+ Recently, I was reminded of why I stop coffee at 4:00pm. Over the past few months I have been pretty good about getting to sleep early. Well, early for me. The other day I was late getting to my usual coffee haunt and risked a cup of coffee since it was around 4:15pm. The coffee was soo good that day as they were serving the light roast that day that after that cup I stupidly ordered a refill. Geez. Maybe I’m just old but I was up until 4:00AM that night. The crappy thing was that I had to be into work early the next day, as I had to get to 60th for a presentation. Sheesh….

+ I have met my first barista friend, a young lady from a writing group I co-facilitate. For all my jawing about the terrible help at the coffee shop, she represents the other side of that. Which will be cool and interesting, I think….

6:[ Have you heard about this new thing called “Urban Mushing”? Basically, folks who can, tie their malamutes to harness and have them drag their worthless carcasses around the park on wheeled sleds. The idea is that “sled dogs” still need to exercise in the presribed servitude toward their masters, we humans demand, because in the end, it’s really about our amusement. Sure, the dogs are well watered and they do not sled on warm days to keep the dogs from overheating, but still, they’re dragging your ass around on a cart…. Sheesh….

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ What really needs to stop is all those dumb people running down the bus after it has pulled away and the driver stops for them. Then, they don’t even have their farecards out. They flop around looking for it. Sheesh, why don’t you just wait there at the bus stop, another bus will always show up….

+ Another thing that must stop is how drivers don’t stop at the STOP sign. They slow, tap the brakes and then roll out into oncoming traffic. Man, this sense of self-entitlement has really gotten out of hand….

+ I agree with my Bonnie when she says that wearing those stupid winter caps in the summer needs to stop. Damn, hipsters. You know they f*cking ruined the words “Cool” and “Ironic” for everyone. Those stupid little scarves need to stop too. You’re not that cool, nor that cold to wear one. Just, stop it with the stupid winter hats, all right?

+ Look, I will defend bicyclists riding in the street to my last breath, should it come to that, but you know what needs to stop? Putting your f*cking bicycles on the front of the CTA busses and carrying them onto trains. Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of having a frickin’ bike to begin with? Oh, but it’s too far for you to bike? Aww. Then just use the frickin’ bus or train in the first place.

Sorry, if you’re putting your bike on the rack on the front of the bus, you’re not doing sh*t for the environment. You just want to look like you are doing something….

8:[ I have never been a big fan of the Beastie Boys, hell, I would venture to say that I was NEVER a fan of the Beastie Boys. I offered the reasons why in this blog some time ago. To recap simply, the overplaying of “Fight for your Right” turned me off. Still, that does not mean I did not respect their output. They were critically lauded and commercially successful, a meaningful balance in our society. I also respected, very much so, their social activism. The recent passing of Adam Yauch (MCA) of the Beastie Boys provided me another chance to regret not being a fan. It is sad to hear of such a dedicated activist and artist passing on and I lament never being able to hear them live. Rest in Peace, Adam.

Speaking of things I was never a fan of. Maurice Sendak’s recent passing sent shockwaves throughout the nation. Singularly famous for “Where the Wild Things Are”, Sendak acquired notoriety also for advocating that we should not sugarcoat the world for children. In that, I think, we shared common ideals.

However, I will admit now that I was never a fan of nor inspired by that book. Sure, we had it in the house and it was read to me more than once, but I can never remember ever going back to it as inspiration or as a favorite. Still, he was a giant in the literary world. Few other books are widely recognized as “Where the Wild Things Are” and that is quite an accomplishment on its own.

Once more, of things I was never a big fan of, Donna Summer just passed away from cancer. She was considered the Queen of Disco, which is a pretty limiting title if you think about it. But, I respect her contributions to the world of music. Another great artist leaving us too soon….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: Oh my God! TIME Magazine Cover image has destroyed the world! Panic! Mass hysteria! BLAAB! Every one has an opinion; especially, those who don’t even have kids! Sheesh. Here’s what that image means to me: bupkiss. It is meant to divide us along the lines of opinion and we all fucking fell for it. I don’t care how a parent raises a child as long as they do it with love and patience.

But what really makes me laugh is the hypocrisy of “I hate ‘Extreme Parenting’ because it coddles the child. So, how am I supposed to explain this image to my child?” Sheeeeit, you’re coddling your stupid kid right there. Leave them alone and they’ll figure out. A mother cannot breastfeed her child as she sees fit because you don’t want to talk to your sh*tty child for five minutes? Give me a break….

10:[ Last Item of the Month: It turns out, that on the way over to Minneapolis, by bus (yuck) I so happened to lose my little MP3 player to the travel gods. It was a sweet gift from my Char filled with all my awesome music. I was so sadden by it because it was a gift. It reminded me of all those touchstones to my Wyoming past that I’ve had to let go of while traveling home and points in-between and beyond. Well, it might be fun to get a new one and restock it again. Really people, sometimes, you just need to let some sh*t go…. You know?

That will do it for this month.

Sorry for the pockets full of delay but I have been mighty distracted of late. Many things are happening and many changes are in store that I had to get going on all those things in lieu of writing WoS on a consistent basis. Still, I hope this edition finds you well.

As always, you are invited to correct, contradict or comment on anything I post here; a sort of freedom of retort, so to speak. I usually do not respond to responses because I figure it is more important for you to get your two-cents in rather than I massaging my ego with witty rejoinders.

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

© 2012 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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