Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October - Fall 2012

Hello People of the World;

Here we are, getting closer to that December 21st end date. October has been very rainy of late. But it has been crisp and clear and as predicted, everyone is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE-zing! Yet, the temperature has not dropped below the 50’s. Not during the day anyway. That’s not cold. -10 degrees is cold. Wait until then to complain and I’ll be right there next to you complaining along with you, but cloudy, rainy and chilly? Man.

So I read this online the other day: “Rule for Friends of Introverts – There is a difference between someone acting better than others and simply wanting to be left alone. If you cannot tell the different, you’re probably stupid.” Being rather introverted myself I had to chuckle at the truth of that of late.

Anyways, let’s get started shall we?

1:[ First Item of the Month: I have come to believe that politics is the most stupid invention by mankind ever. It is divisive by its very nature and only serves to Other one another based on the very thing we can openly REFUSE to change: our ideologies. Which means that it simply appears to be an illusion of “freedom”. It also seems that public discourse in this country is now shouting and interrupting and trying to get in the last word so everyone can go “OoooooH, BURN!”. Do that and you win the argument, even if you don’t make a damn bit of sense. We seem to have lost that in our society. Common Sense. Look at how we wear our pants and our caps. No sense at all.

Coming Soon: More Truthfulness

+ NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3 & A Treatise on American Indian Art (VERY SOON): I am working to get this wrapped up by November. I may be showing some art soon and this will be the project statement. Well, a treatise on Native Art, rather. I do have a much shorter project statement. But I need to sharpen this piece and add a couple of things that add to my point. If anyone is interested in reading the rough draft, let me know. Also, I agree, GAP should be ashamed! Native Americans would never, NEVER put something that is meaningful, even sacred to Natives on a logo or tee shirt- oh, uh, …wait. Dammit!

+ The Five Six SEVEN Hypocrisies of Native America: (Because Seven is a sacred number) Yes, that is the full title. COMPLETE. As you can see, I upped it again from six to seven because I keep running into them in this “community”. But I am still contemplating whether or not I should post this. Should I? With the recent GAP controversy I am definitely posting it soon.

+ ONE: A Spoken Word (October 1): I figured out a starting point for this one and it will incorporate a ton of ideas that have been floating around in my head from observing the world around me for the last few years. It will have ideas from NAMELESS and SEVEN HYPOCRISIES and should be a fun piece to read and perform….

2:[ So, I have to ask you people a serious question: Who ever told Paul McCartney that he could sing? Really. What person, seriously, heard that sh*t and said, “That’s going on the album….”?


+ Once again, Bonnie and I will be heading out to see Rifftrax Live. This time, it will be their Halloween event: Birdemic. We have followed Rifftrax for a while now and we have always enjoyed their live offerings, which they seem to be doing more of. They have a friendly competitor in Cinema Titanic, which also consists of former stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000. CT has been doing a glut of live touring as well but seems to have tapered off. Rifftrax was a MP3 downloading site but has seen an uptick in live performing. We love both iterations. I will tell you more about this in next month’s edition…

+ Here is a glut of short reviews for you:

Looper Review/ Sorry, your gimmicky casting cannot disguise the fact that you are basically “The Terminator” no matter how much Geek Love is given you….

The Master Review/ It should really be called “The Meh-ster” or “How to Torment a Horny Drunk for Fun and Profit”. I don’t get the PT Anderson love sometimes. This just proved that “There Will be Blood” was all Day-Lewis….

Argo Review/ It balances historical recreation, political intrigue, with humor and a Hollywood backlot story without demonizing anyone. Now, I REALLY HATE Ben Affleck….

+ So, it turns out that Paramount won the rights to keep making The Godfather movies, without Coppela or Puzo. What most people don’t get about the series is that they were all about the corruption of family in the wake of living the American Dream. Most especially, the corruption of the most innocent of the brothers, who was the only hope for the father at legitimacy and how far he has fallen and how he eventually tries for redemption. But the new books by Winegartner and those insipid video games turned a generational story about a family man who turns to crime to make it in America into stupid, shitty “mafia” shlock just because “Sonny was a badass”. They don’t get it. Even, Part III had a great theme: Higher the Power, Deeper the Corruption is lost because stupid people want mafia shoot-outs and tits. Yes, it was saddled with a weak performance but the touch of family is overshadowed by the fact “the fans” wanted mafia shlock. I am sure they will get that. The next movie is supposed to be about how Young Sonny is so Badass…. How the mighty have fallen….

+ I was watching “The Empire Strikes Back” recently, and I noticed a couple of things: 1) C-3PO is simply repeating everything R2-D2 is saying. Really. Try watching it again and try to imagine the conversations with C-3P0 NOT saying what R2-D2 just said.

2) How much Han Solo grew as a character in between Star Wars and Empire and how subtly it was shown.

The first instance is when he returns to base at the beginning. He announces to the general that he has to leave, that he has to pay back Jabba the Hutt (Who at this time was never seen. Until, the Special Editions that is. I was watching the unaltered version.) The general states that Han is a “good fighter” that he hates to lose. Which, seems like a cool throwaway line until you realize that in the intervening time between the first Death Star battle and their hiding on Hoth, Han has been fighting with the Rebellion! He is serving a greater cause now. Not selfishly selling his services as a smuggler. He was commanding troops, leading men, and coming under fire so many times that Luke and he form a deep friendship. So much so, it leads me to the second thing.

Luke has not returned to Echo Base and Han, after some investigation decides to ride out alone into the cold night to search for him. One of the other rebels admonishes him for taking a tauntaun out and that it would freeze before Han can get any real distance to find Luke and that would trap him out there and by implication, Han would die too. Han’s reply, “Then I’ll see you in hell!”

Again, many think it a cool throwaway line just because Han is a badass. True dat, beluga. But it also shows his deep caring for Luke, his friend, lost out there in the freezing cold of a Hoth night and Han is risking his own life to find his friend. Let me say this another way: Han was willing to die to find Luke! Han has grown as a character in those two scenes. Thusly, this frees up Han to pursue a relationship with Leia. Remember, he’s the one pursuing.

Because his growth of character, which Leia refuses to admit, he is taking the next logical step in his own development! The scene in the base as Han and Chewie are rushing to repair the Falcon before the Imperial army arrives with its walkers and Luke shows up to say goodbye suddenly takes on more meaning, as they both say nothing to each other. They just share a look of shared adventure and that through it all somehow, they will see each other again. “Be careful.” “You too.”

This is why I think Han’s character was not watered down in Return of the Jedi. The director just could not bring off the full maturation. No, Han did not need to die to prove some fanboy’s point. A better director would have found a way to make the performance true enough to Han’s evolution of character that he would want to be with Leia and not come off as slap-sticky and goofy as it did at the end. (I hated that they reprised the “I know” line as a winking joke.) The closest it comes is when he is alone with Leia right after Luke departs to face Vader. He cares enough to want to comfort her but has grown enough to show his emotion to her in his slight jealousy over his friend and even in his apology. No, he was not neutered. He was putting her feelings ahead of his own. Something a man of maturity would do. This all then makes you realize that when they first meet in Star Wars, Han really was beginning to like her.

Anyways, those were the things I noticed about watching “The Empire Strikes Back” again. Man, I am such a geek….

4:[ I find it kind of sad that Louis CK’s excellent FX series “Louis” is devolving into a “Spot the Cameo by Some Other Famous Comedians Show”. The series is great but in the first and second seasons he would anchor it with his real-life comedian friends. Now, we have Amy Pohler and Jerry Seinfeld making Guest Appearances. My favorite will always be the episode with Doug Stanhope. That was such a great episode and to hear Louis talk about it on NPR and give Stanhope some props is also great. But this, Famous Comedian of the Week needs to be nipped in the bud.

But what do I know? The dude’s won Emmys for gosh sakes. What do I do? I blog about my complaints….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Dear Readers for more of:

Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ Due to financial circumstances, I have not been to a coffee shop is a while. As you can guess, I had a really bad coffee withdrawal. I had a pressing headache for a night and had a strange dream as a result. It was very bad. I would call it a migraine had I ever had a migraine before. So I have no point of reference. Anyways, I had a dream that I was riding in an air-sealed bus with Alec Baldwin, because I was trying to catch a ride back to this really long bridge that connected to downtown Chicago. I felt it I could get back to downtown I could find my way back to Bonnie and the Girls. Instead of dropping me by the bridge the bus keeps going around these curvy beach roads and veers off onto the beach and drives straight into the ocean.

Underwater, I can really feel the pressure on my head and I start to panic but could not wake up. Instead, we are taken to the undersea restaurant for the very wealthy, which is why, I guess, Alec Baldwin was there, that is pressurized but I cannot enjoy anything because the pressure of the ocean is killing my head. Finally, I force myself to wake up and the headache does not go away, but it lessens.

Lesson learned: those who suffer though withdrawal, I get it now. Your body is killing you for more and what can you do? It is a body chemistry reaction, basically. I hear that a caffeine withdrawal is supposed to be as bad a heroin one. I kind of doubt that. But that night, I am sure I would have agreed wholeheartedly….

+ Now that I’ve been off coffee for three weeks, I have switched to drinking green tea instead at the coffee shop. I like the Tazo Tao Green Tea with lemon and spearmint. Though by mistake a rude barista, terrible at selling differing teas, gave me peppermint tea. But I enjoyed that as well. So, I’m off coffee for the time being. Does anyone have any good tea suggestions? We’ll see how long this keeps up…. I’m sleepy….

+ Bonnie has a new job. It is cool to see Bonnie chatting it up with her new co-workers at the Barnes and Noble while we get drinks. (Yes, that same B&N!) I love her and am pretty proud of her. Plus, she gets an employee discount at the coffee shop and bookstore, which makes our Beanies very happy. And that is the most important aspect….

+ You know what I cannot stand? The people who simply walk in the coffee shop and start talking very loudly to the hardworking baristas, just sticking their big, ugly faces into everyone-else-who-is-in-the-line-ahead-of-them’s lives just to talk about their buffoonery causing the baristas to struggle both to keep up with everyone’s orders and have to listen to this person’s nonsense….

6:[ Speaking of, I have another movie question for those that love to critique them: When you say a movie plot is sooo contrived, aren’t all movie plots contrived?

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ Here something that needs to stop: Those fucking people who barge ahead of people with canes or walkers getting on the bus. Man, just have some patience. I hate it when at the bus stop and the bus “kneels” to let on an old lady or someone struggling with a cane on board and some ass hat who is needed right away simply cuts in front of them while they are boarding just so they can get a seat. Worse are those that don’t even have their fare cards ready! That really needs to stop….

+ A recent posting on the Internet pointed out some striking similarities between two very bad movies, Manos: The Hands of Fate and the more recent Birdemic: Something of Terror. (I can’t remember.) In the comments someone offered the suggestion that the latter purposely mirrored the former and that Birdemic is a purposely-made “bad” film. Made to gain notoriety on a society that praises mediocrity.

We seem to be fostering this filmmaking ideology that even crappy movie can gain popularity if enough people can make it into a “Cult” movie. This again, raises this question of if we are making great films anymore. You never see anything that isn’t based on something else, a comic book, a popular ‘tween book series, or the like. We allow shit like “The Room” and other gain some sort of status just because we like to think we are in on the joke of it being a shitty movie. To some degree, MST3K has contributed to this because it has raised some shitty films like “Manos” and others to cult status.

Doesn’t matter now days if it is a good film anymore. We’ll watch it anyway. We cut too much slack to mediocrity and awfulness in the name of our own egos. We prize mediocrity now. We don’t want substance anymore, we want entertainment because we think we earned it and are owed it…. That spells doom for any kind of serious filmmaking. All we do anymore are reboots, adaptations or genre-mimicry (i.e. grindhouse, found-footage). We don’t try anything new, subversive anymore. Failing species that we are….

+ You know what ladies? I am a guy. As admitted last month, I occasionally check out the pretty women that cross my gaze. It’s natural. SO REMEMBER: if your guy tells you he doesn’t look, no matter how much in love you are with each other, HE LIES! So, sufficed to say, I have seen a lot of attractive women while walking in the streets. Sometimes, we will exchange glances and smiles. Look, I realized long ago that I don’t rate with pretty women (So, don’t worry about that.) but I think that it is nice to let them know that I think they’re pretty. It’s a stupid Nice Guy thing. Anyways.

For me, my sense of what makes a woman attractive is a series of peaks and valleys. I tend to be attracted to non-traditional beauty as evidenced by some of the women I have pursued. Well, in one case I did chase a rodeo queen. But that is the exception that proves my point. (I tend to find beauty in a lot of women.) So, when I see a pretty woman in the street I usually find them attractive. (I am not blind.)

That is, until some of them just open their damn mouths! SHEESH!

Many are on their phones just interfering with other people’s walking just so they can talk about themselves, loudly and out spews this maddeningly juvenile teenybopper selfishness! “I really don’t see what you see in them”, “If we can just avoid them that’ll be best”, “I told them to do that but I just wanted to make sure of blah, blah, blah”, “It’s not me, it’s how they treat me” and on, and on, and on. Most are either trying to escape some sort of responsibility or are cutting down someone else. Most have that nasally, up-ending syntax that sounds like everything they frickin’ say is some stupid question!! Yergh!

So. Yeah. My sexist judgment of female strangers must stop!

+ So, there I was viewing clips on YouTube. Of late my favorite video series has been Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedians in Cars getting Coffee” which featured such luminaries as Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, Larry David, Ricky Gervais, and closed up its first series with a touching episode with Michael Richards. One of my favorites is the episode featuring Joel Hodgeson, the creator and first host of my all-time favorite TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000. In it Jerry and Joel sit in a restaurant over coffee and chat out a skit about upside-down ketchup bottles. It was funny and charming.

So, some days later the Rifftrax folk put out a promo video of them sitting around over coffee chatting out a skit of their writers going insane during the production of their latest offering. I wrote a comment that maybe the recent Joel appearance had some influence on this promo and the fanboys jumped down my throat. One even harshly pointed out the differences between the two videos before rudely dismissing my statement.

Man, you should have read my great retort! I went over his argument with a sarcastic tone of phony apologetics and showed my intellect by providing the poster with a definition of the word “influence”! But, I didn’t do that. Why would I? Just to give my ego a boost? This is why I rarely reply to comments made on this blog, even though I parse them out and create counterarguments for them. It is all simply actions made out of our ego, worse yet, our intellectual ego! So. Yeah. My egotism needs to stop….

+ When has reaching the end of the workweek been some sort of Herculean effort that allows stupid people to go out for no reason and celebrate? I mean, getting out of prison after 23 years of being wrongfully imprisoned or returning home after working on an oil derrick in the North Sea for 10 years and you will have cause to celebrate. But making it to Friday from the comfort of your own office just so you can get dolled up and meet cute guys and get hammered? Please. Hell, making it through 8 hours on a Wednesday of being a glorified secretary and you suddenly deserve to hit the bars to meet some fine-ass bitches? Give ME a break….

8:[ Speaking of drunk people during the weekdays: I was on my way home from a teacher PD and was on the Purple Line express heading north. When at the Chicago stop, north of the loop, this be-flanneled dude gets on and slumps in the seat next to me. I am in the very front window seat looking out the front window, a cool seat to get if you like trains. (I’m indifferent.) And for the rest of the way to Belmont, the last stop before it goes express to Howard, he slumps over in his seat. First, when he slumped against me it is then I noticed, the dude is SNACKERED! He shifts so that he will slump in the other direction and before we get to Belmont nearly falls out of his seat several times bothering most of the standing passengers. So, at Fullerton I tap him and offer to trade seats. He gives me a grateful “Thank you”.

I felt bad for him. I didn’t want him to fall to the floor. Even the worst drunkards know to lean up against the barriers and windows. So, he conks out against the window until we reach Howard and we both get off and head to our respective homes….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: Warp Drive may be possible and scientists are actively working on it. According to this article, scientists have found new areas to explore in physics that could open the door to warp speed! What is really cool is how close to the concepts the series got. Shoot, I’m in the backyard building my full-scale starship Enterprise right now!

10:[ Last Item of the Month: I have started a new job. The Adobe Youth Voices Program in the Educational Technology Department of Chicago Public Schools recently hired me as a Media Mentor. Now, I just started and have not gotten to the nitty-gritty of what the job entails. But I will be visiting various CPS schools in the Adobe Youth Voices program and mentoring both teachers and students in graphic design and video production. Both things I really enjoy doing. I enjoy the company, the staff and the work I did so far. So, we’ll see how well this turns out. Stay tuned….

That will do it for this month.

To keep up with the cinema-heaviness of this month’s edition I have to admit that I do not understand it when everyone talks about how great and how true to the James Bond character On Her Majesty’s Secret Service movie was. Honestly, all I remember from that movie was Emma Peel getting gunned down at the end. That’s it. I think most are afraid that is the only thing that makes that particular Bond movie interesting at all and they are just afraid to admit it.


As stated earlier, feel free to comment, correct or contradict anything I post here without fear of reprisal. It’s all egotism anyhow. Unless you wish to have a sort of Internet discussion, let me know, otherwise post away! Keep it civil and keep reading my nonsense. I do appreciate it.

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

© 2012 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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