Monday, April 22, 2013

APRIL - Spring 2013

Hello People of the World;

Well here we are in the middle of all this rain and cold. We have flooding streets and sink holes swallowing cars. This month has been a pretty terrible one so far with such insane things going on in the world, especially this last week. Makes me wonder why you would turn to a trite little blog such as mine in these times. But, here we are.

Anyways, let’s get started shall we?

1:[ First Item of the Month: More Truthfulness

My Useless Self: On Ego and Dating (…Kinda)

The more I thought about writing on dating the more I thought it was a stupid thing to write about as I have never dated much to begin with. I have never been on a date. Some confusion over one, once. I just don’t rate with the ladies when all is said and done and I’m fine with that. Right now I am in a stable relationship with Bonnie and she has become one of my best friends. So, it seems rather dumb for me to espouse about dating. See, what ego to think I could write about something as such. Beside Louis CK says it better HERE.

Updates from my other Truthfulness Projects:

+ NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3
A Treatise on American Indian Art

“All you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of artist. And I’m going to give it to them.”

 I’ve taken an unexpected break from my Ledger Art Project because I find that I am overly-planning the sketches and they are getting more elaborate. I miss the fun spontaneity of a “Chief Batman Horse” sketch but I have a ton of images that I want to draw. Plus, I’ve been writing a lot lately, so that sort of cuts into my drawing time. Rest assured, I will return to it soon, as I still not have seen a project quite like mine. Yet….

+ The Five Six SEVEN Hypocrisies of Native America:
(Because Seven is a sacred number) COMPLETED:
I am constantly surprised that no one ever sees that Native Americans do the exact same things. I am going to post this soon. I just need to get it out of the way to get to other things.
+ ONE: A Spoken Word:
I have decided to get this done as soon as possible and by the time you read this I may have a rough draft ready for open mics….
+ Shouting in Circles: A Spoken Word:
It’s done. I just need to start finding a forum to read it aloud….

NEXT MONTH: Ego and Fatherhood? Let me know.

2:[ Why I never smoked pot: I was not a big pot smoker in school. Actually, I never smoked pot in my life. I just never care about it. Also, I get headaches from really strong chemical smells. Though I never judged my friends that do or did. But here is another reason I have never gotten into it. I recently heard an Internet star espouse about The Concept of Preset – automatic behaviors that we never think about, such as taking off your coat when you come home, going to the bathroom. This guy said that for him weed turns off the “presets” and he begins thinking of his automatic behavior in terms of as-it’s-happening: “I am taking off my coat now”, “I am sitting on the couch”, “I am looking at the ceiling”, “I will think about this or that.”

That is how it affects him. I am wondering if that is how it affects all smokers. You see, I do this anyway without smoking weed. My brain is constantly going all the time. I have conversations with myself that solve every crisis imaginable and with people I wish I could talk to and all manner of things are discussed, I think about where I put my coat, my keys, my bag, books, kicking off my shoes, everything. It is so much that I run MST3K on the VCR to give me something to go to sleep to. So, I don’t need weed to make goofy connections to my thought or to turn off the “presets”, I’m wired like that already….


+ Have a ton of Redbox Reviews: Redbox is good to me. I have heard a bunch of movie snobs say that there is nothing really good in the Redbox. Come on. So, as a result I have a ton of quick movie reviews for you:

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 – shoddy animation, flat voice overs and a too nostalgic fan base made for the right combination to make this clunky work as popular as ever. Come on compare this to this and tell me the comic book was not more powerful. Plus, they gave Batman a Quagmire chin.

The Heir Apparent: Largo Wench – I finally got around to watching this riff on Hamlet. Interesting work but the twists actually weaken the premise for me. Good but not great.

End of Watch – SPOILER (!) This really should have been titled “All Latinos Must Die” because that is all Latinos do in this. After being riddled with bullets and Jake Gyllenhal appears at the funeral with only a hurt leg, I threw up my hands in exasperation. What a crock!

Skyfall – Enjoyable flick. Getting back to Status Quo really. Q, M, Moneypenny the whole thing, just gave me a bad feeling after the other two Craig Bond movies…. Typical. Getting back to fan service, give it no integrity, just service the fans for the money in their pockets.

The Man with the Iron Fists – The Man with the Iron Fists was the shit! Oh, wait, it was just shit. No, I don’t care who made it, with how much love for the genre or what he was trying to do. It sucked. If you are so steeped in the genre and still cannot get it right? Call yourself Quenten Tarantino and maybe you’ll get fans to buy into it.

Killing Them Softly – Pretty good little caper film with an interesting performance by Brad Pitt set against the economic downturn of the US and the ensuing elections. Check it out. Sorely unseen in the theaters.

+ Hey, I also actually got to the movie theater this past month:

Evil Dead – was just what I needed to wash the taste of the shitty “Life of Pi” out of my movie-going palate. Not that this was great, I enjoyed it some. But it was still much better than “Life of Pi”. This is a remake of Sam Raimi’s “The Evil Dead” that so-called cult classic that everyone never watches because of “Evil Dead 2” and “Army of Darkness” exists but still cannot get over the “raping” of. (“Raping”, really guys?) Fucking get over it. This was pretty good. It dragged at some points. I don’t really see scary movies but this was enjoyable.

Jurassic Park 3D – saw this with Bonnie and Char and enjoyed every minute of it. It stands the test of time. There were no added scenes, no updated effects just the movie converted to some really good 3D. It just goes to show that when your little girls still gets scared by it, it is a classic film.

+ For some reason I am growing my hair out for “Hamlet” and yet I have no way to even get anything shot and edited right now. A haircut might be in order soon. But first, I actually will be rolling camera on “Hamlet” very soon. We are shooting Act One, Scene Two this late spring early summer. I am so looking forward to it.

4:[ One thing I always here in today’s political discourse is the use of the derogatory term “redneck” to describe Conservative Republicans or, at least, their constituency. Today it is used to describe folks as backwater hillbillies that have an ancient and warped sense of morality, degrading working class and rural white people. Well, the actual origin of the word “redneck” is truly deeply steeped in Democratic Party labeling. Now, before you RepCons celebrate another checkmark on the list of Bad Things Liberals Do, it was actually used as a good thing, a positive trait of Midwestern and Southern farmers.

See, the term redneck was used to gather political support of pro-Democratic parties in the southern states. The earliest use of it was around 1891 when in support of local elections for Democratic candidates; local newspapers offered the support of the local “rednecks”, or the hardworking, rural people in the area. Red neck because the backs of their necks where burned red from their labors. Later, in 1900, the term was used to describe the faction within the party itself to represent poor southern farmers.

By 1910, the faction began wearing red bandanas around their necks at rallies and other party functions as a way of making themselves visible. Which is why when you see toys and images of the nostalgic farmer type, they usually have a red bandana. I remember my sisters and brothers and I having a Fisher Price Little People Farmer set and the farmer did indeed have a little red plastic triangle for a bandana. Weird, that I remember that.

Anyways, in the 1930’s and 40’s when southern mine workers began forming unions to strike against terrible working and safety conditions, the term was used again. There is debate as to the actual meaning of it, whether it was to represent the workingman or the blood spilled in the violence that erupted from those events. In any case, by the 1970’s the use of the term became a derogatory slur against people of the south in general. Whether it was the people or the Dem Party that changed is a tough call. My bet is on the both….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Dear Readers for more of:
Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ Been hanging out at the Starbucks at Chase Tower of late because I find myself downtown more often these days and since I am always using the bank I go to the coffee shop in the Chase Tower. It is a very different kind of patron, lots of stuffed, blue dress shirts with white collars and business ladies. Yet, the people serving them are very much NOT of the “Business Sector”. Funny, how we think that equity reigns in America….

+ Since my modem died I am back in the Starbuckses (Starbucksi?) and libraries (librari?) for Internet access. Sitting here in my old Rogers Park haunt notice a family of three gaming with each other over their cell phones. Very nice….

+ I am pretty surprised at how much people do not care about the events in Boston, East Texas and now in Denver. Sitting in the Chase Tower Starbucks, I could not help but overhear everyone’s Very Important Conversations! Business guys acting like they’re in Mad Men and talking about suddenly getting their project and how much thy can make from it. Dudes in the coffee shop talking to their friend about letting them buy some stupid thing and buying it from them for cheap so they can make money, dudes in the street talking about flipping houses and how much they can make from it. Even on the train the day the Boston explosions happened, people would mention it then ask what bar they were meeting up at and about the game. People are selfish.

6:[ My Cellphone Floyd: So recently my phone service recently reset my voice mail system. Which they do every so often but I had my phone Floyd for many years and one of the saddest thing to happen because of this was losing My Charlotte’s voice message. I have had that on there for all the years I owned the phone. It used to be Char’s account before it was ine. So, for years, Char’s little voice would alert callers to leave a message. People would note it and I would know that they actually called me. I have even had some folks I know, have their kids leave voice mail messages after they found out Char was on mine. But, now, like many things from my past, it is gone. I will have to get her to record a new one for me I guess.

Bonnie mentioned that the new message that cuts off so now. Because I haven’t completed the update to the service and now when you get to my voice mail the voice alerts you that you’ve reached my number and then it says, “Please leave-CLICK!”

Somehow, that’s perfectly all right with me….

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ One of the things I learned from Facebook is this: “The shit that todays’ kids are into fuckin’ sucks! But pining for those same things 15 years later is awwwwwwesooooooome! It’s cool!”

Hipster Nostalgia must stop.

+ The End of Cool: I guess I really shouldn’t blame the Hipsters for ruining Cool. It was and remains something that is packaged and sold to all of us. So why should I care if a bunch of rich kids trying to act poor bought into the idea of ironic self-reference? They are as stupid as any of us buying into a trend. Do you want to know who really killed “Cool”?

Fonzie, believe it or not.

Yep, the Fonz himself killed “Cool”. Once he was declared cool and all the audiences across America bought into it, it was something ABC packaged and sold to us ever since. There was always something cool before that – style, movements, cliques, people or what-have-you. But we were never sold it. We had to earn the moniker of being cool or something had to be really special and so outside of the norm to be cool. Now, it’s simply a trend repackaged and sold to us every year and every generation buys into it. Thanks Fonz.

+ I think I wrote about this before but it bears repeating – use of the word “ghetto” to describe things. “That’s too ghetto” and so on. I don’t know when that began but I know it has to stop. It shows absolutely no consideration for those living in ghettos now. Ghettos used to be the places society put it its undesirables. It was the worst place to live in hope that whatever population put there would kill it self off. These days, ghettos are more closely associated with African-Americans. Far be it for me to speak up for them, but when you say that broken down something that you think is so funny because people still use it is so “ghetto”, what you are really saying is that it’s not good enough for you, but it’s good enough for poor, black people. That needs to stop….

8:[ Working with AYV and going to various schools for class visits, I was recently reminded of a fact of life: That teachers still catch a whole lot of crap. No, this isn’t pro-union, down with CPS Corporate buffoonery. No, teachers still catch crap from the STUDENTS(!), those lithe, fragile little angels that deserve our best efforts, intentions and resources. Unless, you know, they live on the south side, any south side of the city, then, f*ck ‘em. (If they don’t look like my kids then I’m not gonna post my gun outrage on Facebook.)

No, I was sitting in as one of the teachers was teased and made fun of. It reminded me of the torture I put my own schoolteachers through. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I guess I could have said something but the way this teacher reacted to the crap she got was that is was pretty much that it simply comes with being a teacher. She knows. So, yeah, they put up with a lot: growing class sizes, limited resources, catching shit from both the administrations and the parents as well as getting it from their students on a nigh daily basis. This particular teacher that reminded me of this was pretty laidback and cool about it – came with the territory. Something I think most teachers forget. But it was rather interesting to be reminded of that again….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: Just thought I would take this space to announce that very soon I will be self-publishing an ebook of short stories titled “The Autobiography of Ble Woman”. I am publishing through SmashWords and hopefully, this will be a source of income though I will not be selling the book for a huge price.

I have been working on the Blue Woman stories since about 2002 when I wrote the first story in a sitting as a Seattle’s Best. I brought out Blue Woman in a Fiction Writing course at Columbia College my last year there. The stories were greatly liked by my classmates. I have always had plans to sell them as short booklets containing 10 stories each with four volumes. I plan about 33 stories all are actually titled and some are half finished. They are put into the books in the order they are finished with the final three in the fourth volume standing apart and a sort of closing to the three main character’s lives.

Once I get this to SmashWords and it goes through their publication process, I will post the link to the ebook page here and other places. I am thinking of doing a book release event or a reading or something afterwards but I am very broke and will have to figure that out somehow.

So, look out for “The Autobiography of Blue Woman” volume one, coming soon….

10:[ Last Item of the Month:
My Charlotte
This month I was given permission to write about one of my all-time, favorite people. So here goes:

Where to begin? I guess when we first met. She came into the office in a stroller and a yellow sundress that she looked like she protested against. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I got up from my desk to greet her. I crouched in front of her and her suspicious glare. I had read that waggling a finger at a baby shows trust if the baby grasps it. I waggled my finger at her. She eyed it, then me. Giving me the Eye that she still does today. Then, suddenly and without warning, the tiniest of smiles spreads across her face, eyes on me, then, in a flash it is gone and suspicion returns. Above us, Bonnie remarks, “Wow, I’ve never seen her react that way to anyone.”

So it began. She asked me to not write anything embarrassing about her but my praise and awe of her can only serve to embarrass her further as she is quite humble in my opinion. She still knows she’s awesome though. She reads daily, not just school but for fun. She asks questions constantly. We took her to see “Argo” and had so many questions about US Foreign Policy. She saw the connection to Apartheid when she saw “District 9” when she was 10. We have had discussion on global economics and how it influences our foreign relations. What other child thinks of these things? She is so smart and athletic and artistic and musical and so very present. That is how I describe her mentality, as present. She is aware and questions everything.

She still is a teen, buying music and close and looking at her cellphone, but she is so much more than that. Samantha and her both. I just saw her again today and it seems that she is growing more every time I see her. She is beginning to look like a high school student before my very eyes. Her face is blossoming and she has an athlete’s build thanks to her going out and making the team for every sport this year! I mentioned her growth and she shoots me her patented look and says, “That’s why it’s called ‘growing’.” Then, playfully throws in a “Duh!” That’s my girl.

I know that with my age, my looks, my income level that I will never have natural children of my own. That is something I have come to accept in recent years. Having Charlotte in my life MORE that makes up for that. To know her is a blessing. To be with her is a blessing. To have had a hand in raising her and educating her is a blessing. To see her grow into the brave, intelligent young woman that she has always been is a blessing. I really do not think that God exists, but if he does, he did one thing right and put Charlotte on this planet….

That will do it for this month.

I hope you are safe and sound where ever you read this. Once again, I invite comments, corrections and contradictions to what I have written here. Feel free to open the discussion. Sorry that these have been getting out so late lately but my job has me running all over the city assisting teachers with video or poster projects. Couple that with running the film festival, which we have a site visit soon, starting my writing career and a hell of a lot of uncompensated commuting, I get home beat every day.

In fact today was the first day in while where I had a day off. Tomorrow, right back to school visits. So, let me know how you are doing and what is going on in your world. Take care of each other and give some considerations. Thanks.

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2013 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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