Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hello People of the World;

This weather is so weird. Or so would be the case to most people. Still, we have had some violent tornadoes in the central plains. One can never predict the weather and it seems people are constantly surprised that it changes day to day.

Hopefully, I will have gotten this out a bit earlier than last month’s edition. Nothing really crazy going on with all that. I just have an annoying habit of putting things aside when something important or something I promised to do comes up. Which explains why you Dear Reader get your regular WoS a bit late from time to time. But, that’s just me….

Anyways, let’s get started shall we?

1:[ First Item of the Month: More Truthfulness
My Useless Self: On Privacy
I am constantly amazed at how much personal privacy we give up for convenience. Last month, some of the things being praised were Twitter and Facebook because folks could post important information and such on it during emergencies. While it was a great and useful tool during those emergencies, all it did for me was shine a spotlight on how much we abuse such technology. I am reminded of Karl Pilkington’s visit to a KFC for deaf people. He noticed that the service was much faster and noticed that video chat was being rightfully used there. Not only are we stupidly posting nonsense day to day, (this blog a glaring example) but we seem to be content with how much personal information we pass off into the ether because we have been convinced it is fun to do so.

We seem to be giving up private information quite easily and on a regular basis. Which is why we do not seem bothered when we find out the National Security Administration has been spying on us this whole time. Let’s face it – they are not really spying if we are telling them everything, right? We pass along so much useless and silly info on Facebook and Twitter that we pat ourselves on the back when we feel we are posting something important. We’re lazy.

If a corporation or the government made a user-friendly, user-updated news site called News Share or something, would we blast them for asking for private info? That is what Twitter and Facebook are already doing, right? Does slapping it on Facebook or Twitter make it all right to give up such personal info? I mean we send private info to these faceless corporations already. Shit, we send them pictures of the food we are eating and we do not think that is weird or invasive? Why? Because we were convinced it is fun. We are gullible and we bought into it. Yet, we are constantly posting nonsense about how our privacy is being invaded on Facebook and Twitter without really realizing, they already have our private information.

We tell Facebook everything – name, birth date, where we went to school, who our friends are, where we have been, where we are at any moment, what we do on a constant basis and because we click “Private” we think no one we do not want to does not see it. But Facebook sees it and stores it. Every website, especially those stupidly useless online petitions you enter any kind of information into sees it and store it and because we can share pictures of our dessert we think that having Big Brother watching is fun! With those political petitions we sign are sending our private info directly to a member of the government and we think is okay because we thing we are stopping a pipeline or stopping kids from getting shot. Wake up. Thanks to the Patriot Act the government, even this vaunted current administration has been seeing our private info for some time now. Sorry….

Updates from my other Truthfulness Projects:

+ NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3
A Treatise on American Indian Art

“All you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of artist. And I’m going to give it to them.”

So, I think I have reached critical mass on my treatise on Native American Art – conclusion: it is a scam dominated by fakers. Sorry. So, I will be posting my simpler version on my ledger art project’s artist’s statement and make the treatise a full-on article that I will post.

Yeah, my ideas do not garner much attention or start much discussion. I see that the “experts” are still exploiting the Native artists out there. Cripes. So, I recently was talking with a buddy of mine who decided that he is going to keep doing his thing despite how badly people treat him and his work. We want success on our own terms.

“Just do it ‘cause I love doing it,” he said.

Here’s what I said: “Quote the great man, ‘It’s not about money. It’s about sending a message…’.”

One more person that gets the idea that should be driving Native artists….

+ The Five Six SEVEN Hypocrisies of Native America:
(Because Seven is a sacred number):
I don’t know. I’m seeing a lot of decapitated Indian heads out there. Sadly, many Natives are wearing them too. There used to be a bounty on Indian heads back in the 19th century. Now, it seems Natives are the ones paying for them. I am pretty sure if the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup I will see a lot of those “We’re Not Mascots!/You Can’t Use ‘Geronimo’/Gwen Stefani is Stupid/Johnny Depp isn’t Indian” Indians wearing a Blackhawks jersey.

I know. We have more important things to worry about than cartoon heads on a shirt but that just goes to show a level of ignorance. Willful ignorance if you are Native. You cannot see overall how these logos and mascot informs non-Natives in their dealing with Native peoples. I said it last month when they will always see Native peoples as “always the enemy” and that the enemy should always be fought or in this case, its images should be owned.

I have seen the affects on Native students being tormented because of their school’s Indian mascots, so, do not tell me they are harmless. It affects self-esteem and creates hostile environments that students cannot thrive in their schools. These images continue to inform the uninformed about Native peoples and that affects almost every aspect of their dealings and interactions with Native people. Understand that much at least, please. These “Always the Enemy” views connects to politics, media, education, everything. If you only see a people as imaged as they were over a hundred years ago, how do you think that informs how you interact with them today?

Another hypocrisy I see out there is the continuing thrashing that Gwen Stefani gets on the Facebooks. Granted, her video was stupid and quite ill-informed but everyone goes on about she should not be putting out stereotypical imagery as she did and how no “Native friend” or “Native Expert” would sign off on such images in her video.

Unfortunately, that happens all the time, Indians signing off on racist, stereotypical nonsense and Natives put out stereotypical imagery all, the, time….

Look at the Lakota and “Dances with Wolves”. Yeah, I said that. Shoot, they adopted Costner too. So, his opening a casino in the Black Hills is like a tribal member doing that, right? Why not?

Look at the Comanche adopting Johnny Depp – for Tonto.

Look at how Natives everyday pay for and wear the Blackhawks’ jersey and logo or the Redskins or Chiefs logos. Any logos.

Look at how a prominent organization within the Native community in Chicago accepted a large grant from the Blackhawks to “teach” about how awesome their logo is!

Yes, it happens all the time. Indians sign off on this shit constantly and we act like it never happens. Like we are so victimized that we cannot help but parade in our beads and feathers. Wake up. You can bet that Stefani’s “Native friend” and “Native expert” were really Native people. Shit, you can look no further than the powwows going on across America to see how much Native Americans will sell-out their culture and promote stereotypical imagery….

+ ONE: A Spoken Word:
I am so ready to workshop this but am having a hell of a time finding an open mic to try it out.

NEXT MONTH’S TRUTHFULNESS: Ego and _____? Let me know.

2:[ I cured myself of eating potato chips. Which is a good thing I suspect, in the end. Most snack products that are generally considered ‘comfort food’ are generally unhealthy for you. Chips are loaded with starch, fat, salt and calories. So, it is a buffet of bad health choices when it comes down to it.

I barely ate potato chips anyway because I am poor and chips are expensive. So, in the last five or six years I rarely ate them. I used to share a small bag of Ruffles with Char as we video gamed but that was about it. The occasional Kettle-Cooked at B&N or with a sandwich. So, the other day I buy a bag of Jay’s Crispy Ridge potato chips, their version of “Ruffles”. I eat some for supper with my homebrewed tea and chicken fingers. It was a nice little meal. Later on that evening, I was working on video stuff – editing, rendering, exporting and uploading, all, very time-consuming tasks. So, to fill the time as the computer does this task and that, I fire up the PS2 and play some “Dynasty Warriors 3”, the button-masher, taking on a thousand enemies game that I have come to love.

Now, video game playing is a very compulsive act and so is snacking. Put them together and you become those stereotypical basement dwellers that never go out. I grabbed the bag of leftover chips and began to compulsively eat them as I fought through stages of Three Kingdoms Era history.

Soon, nearly all of the chips were gone. So I stop. Drink more tea, finish up my video stuff, pop in my Mystery Science Theater 3000 VHS and hit the sack.

At 3 o’clock a-m, I awake with a pain in my stomach that extended out into my limbs. No worries, it was more an ache than pain but it felt as if I had a ball of wax in my stomach. After going to the bathroom and drinking more cold tea I finally get back to sleep, stomach still in discomfort.

After that, I figure, I’m done with potato chips. I threw the rest of the chips away and will never eat them again.

You know what I miss most, being poor?

Eating potato chips….


+ Music Box Theater Reviews: I was able this last month to scrape together my change and go out and see quite a few movies. Two of which I saw at the vaunted Music Box Theater and I now short review for your pleasure:

F For Fake – This is Orson Welles last completed film about the theme of art and fakery. He cuts together his own work and that of François Reichenbach into an essay film on authorship and authenticity. It is one of my most-favorite works and it has informed my own ideas and thoughts about those same themes and how they pertain to Native American culture and art. I screen this in my Native Americans in Media course at UWP and I challenge my students to tie it into how Natives are represented in media. I heartily recommend it.

Deceptive Practices: the Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay – This was a very interesting documentary about the influences of magician Ricky Jay. It was great to see where here came from, to see the old footage of the vaudeville magic acts but it felt a bit unexplored as if to try to enact the old magician’s tenant of never divulging the secret. I felt it could have dug deeper but then how many documentaries are there about this guy? Recommended.

Look for my Star Trek Into Darkness & Man of Steel reviews on WOS Reviews: COMING SOON!

+ HAMLET Update: Yes, I have a HAMLET Update!

I will be shooting two small scenes for the feature between July 12th and 22nd. I have the actors cast and we’ve been meeting weekly for read-throughs and discussion. Hopefully we will get some great equipment loaned to us and we can wrap two scenes in a couple of days.

+ I never understood the hate for “The Dark Knight Rises”? Here’s my guess: it represents a supposed end to the Batman franchise, one that fans had longed for, one of realism, gravitas and splendid technical artistry. Others merely complain that it was full of plot-holes and such. (I don’t think people know what the definition of “plot hole” is.) I think I’ll take the time to try and explain a few things.

We think we are asked to accept things in the movie that are never explained: but they were in the previous movies:

How does he heal so fast after being injured – Remember that green drink he is always seen taking, the green drink helps healing. So, why not make it public and market it? Same reason for his energy project, in the wrong hands it could be abused. Does this mean he uses performance enhancers? I don’t know. It could be natural. It’s green. Plus, he developed his body to be used to getting beat up on and his armor protected his back to a degree. Look at him in the beginning of the movie. He does not look like a man who let 8 years slip by without staying in some sort of shape.

How does he get back to Gotham City so fast? – Well, viewers forgot that he had a ‘criminal alias’ when he traveled the world before becoming Batman and could use that to get back to Gotham after climbing out of the prison.

How did he even enter the city? – He just climbed out a prison, he can climb over the barrier in the eastside tunnel.

How did he escape the bomb? – He fixed the autopilot.

A lot of it asks you to suspended disbelief but at the same time it tries to ground everything is some sort of reality. I guess that could be the reason why some have a problem with it. I don’t know, I guess it’s just my Bat-geek hackles are up. I enjoyed the film immensely, as you can read here in my REVIEW OF THE FILM….

4:[ Dogs are pack animals, plain and simple and cats do not speak English. Sorry. I have (had) this reputation that I was very “Anti-Pet” in our household when I was married. Sure, I still believe keeping a dog, any dog, in the big city is cruel. You are in essence keeping them from their pack, the litter they were born into all for your own comfort and amusement.

My girls used to think that I hated every pet they brought to the house. While, I still believe my dog in the city notion, I also knew that kids tend to want and love pets because they are cute. So, in our house, if they felt I wanted to throw out the pets, so be it. They needed to protect their pets from me in a sense, sort of present a united front. Which would only serve in them being more careful about their pets and taking care of them.

I will admit that it this strategy did not work quite as well as I hoped in the “Taking Care of Them” Front but it did make them more aware about keeping their pets. If my being the Bad Guy made them want to fight to keep their pets and bond with them. I can do that….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Dear Readers for more of:

Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ So, last month as we were doing meetings for “HAMLET” at my local coffee shop, there was this lady at the table whom one of my actors mistakenly thought as part of the project and began talking with her as such. I guessed that it struck her that she was now a part of the conversation, which I did not mind. In fact, when I saw her again the following week, she asked about the project. That was nice. She is a regular there and everyone seems to know her and now it seems that I do too.

+ I found myself back downtown at the Chase Tower Starbucks. At this particular time of the day, late afternoon there were scads of people practically lining up out the door to get a drink. My first though was, “Geez, the coffee isn’t THAT good.”

Still, it was amazing how much business Starbucks still gets. Sure, there are those out there that think that because they go to the cool, indie shops that they are better than these folks just hustling though to get a coffee. Please, no one is a coffee expert. Truly. It reminded me though of how much perceived stability that a Starbucks brings to a neighborhood. People think that once a Starbucks moves in that it means that their neighborhood is “safe” or that “civilization” has come. Weird.

Anyways, another thing I learned? – That person that stands around and does nothing? It seems they too have a function of sorts. They go down the long line of people and take orders. Pretty cool….

6:[ My first year with AYV: I was asked to attend a graduation this year. Students at one of my schools invited me to be at their graduation and that will in essence close this, my first school year as a Media Mentor for Chicago Public Schools. It is a really great gig. I get to show students how to create videos and posters from my experience in filmmaking and graphic design. I met some really great kids as well.

I have so much to say about this experience. This is what I was promised I would be doing when I first hooked up with Chicago Public Schools, but that never turned out, so I took my leave and shifted over to freelancing with the Adobe Youth Voices program.

What I did with them was this: many schools signed up for the Adobe Youth Voices program to bring to their classrooms to learn the Photoshop and Premiere programs while working on poster and video projects that connect to the common core of their class. They could do anything that was a larger social issue or a part of their classroom curricula.

I stopped in, when needed, to help the students learn, not only the programs but how to plan and produce videos or design a poster or flyer. It was fun and I got to know some very cool students and learned so much about the next generation coming out of these schools. It also really affirmed some notions I had about south side schools and the short-shift they constantly get.

So, sitting in on that graduation ceremony today watching some of the students I helped move on, it was very gratifying. The program even got a shout out from the valedictorian who was one of the students that I helped put together a really cool video with.

So, when I was asked if I would return next school year, I did not hesitate to say, “Yes, yes I will.”

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ Crosswalks Fun: On the corner, no where even close to a crosswalk, cars will stop and wait until Heaven falls to let you cross. Once you are in the crosswalk, they don’t….

+ On the train everyone was either plugged into their phones or iPods or staring at the screen of their pads, phones or e-readers. Everyone one, that is except for an elderly woman and myself. I guess I am old….

8:[ One of the very few things I love about Chicago is the skyline and the buildings that compose it. There is always constant construction going on in Chicago and I always joke that, “Whenever they finish building Chicago, it’s going to be beautiful”. I had read about the so-called AquaHotel last year sometime and saw the pictures for it. So, when I found myself downtown with some time on my hands I decide that this was the day that I would find the AquaHotel.

Looking back and now knowing where it is on the skyline, I have to say that it was hiding in plain sight this whole time. From a distance, it looks just like any of the other buildings surrounding it. But the genius of the design is that you have to be in the immediate area to appreciate the design.

According to the ever-accurate Wikipedia: it is actually simple called Aqua and was designed by a team at the Gang Studio Architects led by Jeanne Gang. I guess it is the tallest building right now that has had a woman as the lead designer. It sits on the Lakeshore East district and won the Emporis Skyscraper Award in 2009.

Pretty cool to look at though I could never afford to spend the night there as it is a Raddison Hotel….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: So, as Charlie Sheen, a drunkard, spoiled Hollywood child, sex fiend, we all cheered for him as he toured the country crying that he could not have a TV show and we re-tweeted his catchphrases and raised him up from debauchery and threw money at him for all his stupidity. Now, as Carlos Estevez in the new Rodriguez movie, suddenly everyone hates him and calls it “ethnic opportunism” and “cashing in on the Latino thing”. Hypocrites.

10:[ Last Item of the Month: One more thing: People have a tendency to hang out with or be in groups or cliques with people they like to think, thinks like them. It gives one that egotistical boost that yeah, my ideals are the shit and cool people get it. I have never fit into in most groups. I am not cool. My ideas on art and commerce, my whole outlook in general is not one that gets a lot of traction in today’s society of the contradictory idealism of individuality within a community dichotomy.

But what I love is the whole hypocrisy of “We are all Indian People. But Here are even more ways to keep segregating ourselves from each other!”

The big unspoken truth of this Native community, possibly in every Native community is our intense tribalism. Face it, Native peoples have been roaming in tribes for over 10,000 years before others came along and “forced” it on us. It is in our DNA to band together with similar tribal people. Even now, in this very community we hedge around certain tribes or hold something against certain peoples because they are not “of the city” or of a “certain tribe”. One of the stupidest things I heard uttered from a “community elder’s” mouth (Besides “You just as well ask us to stop dancing” when a logo was challenged) was “It’s the Potawatomi. For them, its always ‘The Potawatomi Way or No Way.’”

Really. An elder said that. Tribalism in the 21st Century.

Even though Natives survived into the future we cannot seem to get past our 15th Century mentalities of creating cliques and groups to leave other Natives out because we like being with people that are basically copies of ourselves. I am no different in this. If you’ve seen two of my best friends here in Chicago – Dave and Mike, you will see that I am no different. We are alike.

Tribalism. All it does is make you hate Natives you never met. Take credit for things you had NO part in, like “Wounded Knee ‘73”.

In my Native Americans in Media course I introduce my students to the Concept of Othering and how it uses media to inform the viewer about Native Americans. “Othering” is to use a trait or cultural identifier to purposely-separate one section of people from another, typically in fashion that makes it easier to dislike or hate them. But I do not restrict it to Native peoples. I give examples of how we do this in everyday life – labels: Republican, Democrat, Hipster, Gangbanger, Catholic, Muslim all things that separate us from being a complete part of our species. Usually, set at odds to make it more like a group-think or to be a part of a crowd without seeming to be part of the crowd – Jocks versus Nerds, Conservative versus Liberal, Theist versus Atheist, shit, even DC versus Marvel.

The more it breaks down into specific cliques the more we are separating ourselves from the overall goal of humanity, to be united. People do not want that, they strive to stay in their niches as if that totally defines them as a person. It doesn’t but we keep labeling others and ourselves in this constant need to be better than the next person….

That will do it for this month.

Blaaaaaah! I always find myself sidetracked when trying to get this written. Though I recently found that no one really reads it. Maybe one or two of you do. But I will continue to struggle through this. I have an upcoming film shoot to plan, a short stories collection to e-publish and more writing to do. I also have a film festival to run. So, sometimes, things I said I would do take precedence over my humble creations.

As always, feel free to comment, contradict or correct anything here. That is how conversations begin. Do not take offense at my opinions but counter them with well-put opinions and facts of your own. Again, I am sorry for the lateness of this edition. I am always setting the writing of this aside when things I promised to do come up and I make the time to get some business done.

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2013 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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