Thursday, August 15, 2013


Hello People of the World;

Ah, summer, how you constantly surprise us with your temperatures remaining quite high and shifting ever so subtly. So far I have been enduring the weather without turning on the AC. But it has made my shoebox of an apartment a sauna in the worst of conditions. Luckily, I bought a brand new fan that sort of circulates the hot air about the room.

What’s this! Getting out this month’s episode ON TIME? Has he gone crazy!? Somebody, STOP HIM! No, just found a lot of free time after HAMLET and moving some things around the schedule. Enough of that for now….

Anyways, let’s get started shall we?

1:[ First Item of the Month: You know, I think it's time I took a side, drew a line, made my opinion clear in these sweeping on-going debates that have engulfed and divided our nation recently.

Here goes: DC doesn't have to do shit like Marvel did. Okay? Every one already knows the Justice League. A Batman-Superman film is neither desperate, too-soon or too much. Two of the most recognizable worldwide pop icons outside of Mickey Mouse? How are people NOT going to go see that movie? I have said this before. The general public knows the Justice League. We do not need a whole bunch of single movies to lead up to a JLA movie, we don’t.

Secondly, it’s Batman AND Superman, the two biggest superheroes of all time in a single movie! No matter how much people criticize this move on WB’s part, you ask those same geeks, “So, you’re NOT going to see it then?” Most will say, “Nah, I’ll still go.”

So, all you have to say is “See? Why does it matter what you think they did wrong, you’re going to see it anyway.”

You’re welcome….

2:[ More Truthfulness
My Useless Self: Introversion

These “Truthfulness” items are geared toward reveling more about myself as a way of confronting this particular thing as well as helping build my courage up to reveal a bit more. So, here goes.

I do not know how many of you Dear Readers know this about me, but I am an introvert. I am not an especially out-going person and I keep to myself most of the time. I used to tell my Bonnie when we first met up that “I liked being bored”, which I don’t think she believed at the time but has come to accept that I like just being alone or with only my closest friends.

Being introverted means that I do not talk much in large groups. If I get to know you better I will be a more frequent speaker. My family back home cannot get me to shut up. Which was another thing I told Bonnie, “One of these days you are going to tell me to ‘shut up’.” She didn’t believe me for a minute. Still, she and the girls tell me to shut up quite a bit these days.

It takes a lot out of me to speak in front of large crowds. At some of the more recent T7 events I was a part of folks would find me sitting by myself mostly. Not out of any kind of rudeness, mostly to gear up to talk to everyone up front of an audience. Yes, when I get my spoken word piece finished, it is a MAJOR step for me to make myself workshop it in front of an open mic crowd. My university class takes a lot out of me as well. But I try to hide all of this. Sometimes, not so well, and sometimes, my throat hurts for days after.

Being an introvert does not mean you hate meeting new people. Just the opposite, but we would just rather meet new people on our own terms. I hate meeting and being forced to interact with other people’s friends that I do not know well. I feel uncomfortable. But I try for the sake of my friends. Some of you have probably noticed that in a group of four or more I will usually quiet down. It’s nothing against you. I just know that I do not have to sustain the conversation then. I have even tried to combat this by joining some Meet Up groups for things I am interested in, like writing and MST3K. Some how, for me anyways, interacting with strangers who don’t know me sort of puts me on an even field, you know?

Being an introvert does not make one an agoraphobic. While, I do have a problem with vastly large crowds, I can hang in there at a party or function for the sake of friends. Just do not expect me to be the life of the party. Also, being an introvert does not make one telepathic. I get this all the time, “We would have invited you but….”. Give us quiet folk a chance to say “No, thank you”. That’s all. Plus, I am capable of speaking to folks out of courtesy. We are not all desolate loners that need to be isolated and silent. I am not a monk.

As you can see, as an introvert, I have no problem writing out a lot of what I have to say. Also, you can tell how comfortable I am with you by how much I speak to you and how highly I think of you by how much I tease or joke with you. That’s all….

So, there, the Mystery of Being Ernest is gone….

Updates from my other Truthfulness Projects:

+ NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3

A Treatise on American Indian Art

“All you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of artist. And I’m going to give it to them.”

I am working on getting another showing this fall for this goofy ledger art project of mine. So stay tuned for that. Maybe I should get going on it again. I just finished a rather simple sketch recently and realized that I have not worked on anything in this project since January. Wow.

Also, I think I will wrap up my Artist Statement. I see a lot of new movement going on in the Native Arts world and while it is nice to see some people trying differing things, the more they try to change, the more they stay the same. I will set a deadline of September 15th for this “Artist Statement” that is becoming an Editorial. The major problem can be highlighted in the following quote.

“Quote the great man, ‘It’s not about money. It’s about sending a message…’.”

+ The Five Six SEVEN Hypocrisies of Native America:

(Because Seven is a sacred number):

Never ceases to amaze me…. It never does. What we do to each other and our culture is really crazy and sad….

+ ONE: A Spoken Word:
What I have been doing is trying to spread my message and ideas around into various things such as this poem/spoken word piece, the artist statement and the OP-EDs on the FNFVF website as they each touch on different aspects of the same problem. Thus, this poem has become another outlet for my opinions and the open mic aspect of it is to make myself more open to speaking in public forums, especially with my opinions and ideals. I have done public readings before with my poetry and feel comfortable enough these days.

I am hoping to workshop this one in the following months. It is really just a prose poem that I have been working on for close to a year now. I am actively looking for open mics and workshops to be able to read and improve this piece. If I “book a gig” I will most definitely let everyone know.

NEXT MONTH’S TRUTHFULNESS: Ego and _____? Let me know.


+ My Star Trek Into Darkness & Man of Steel reviews are slow in coming mainly because, while they project the major problems that genre films have today, the films themselves did not resonate with me. So, my “reviews” will become more editorial in nature. Meaning, that I will take my time with them and think about what I want to say and how to use these films as the examples. If you are curious about how it will look and read, take a peek at my “AVATAR Review” from a few years back. I’ll post them once they are finished.

+ GI Joe: Retaliation Review: I never really liked the first GI Joe movie. I loved the 80’s cartoon and my brothers were fans of the 60-70’s “action figure”. But this one was a bit better in pacing, actually too quick in pacing and it seemed a waste of the cast they actually gathered. I hated the “RZA” trying to be a ninja master and the whole mountainside fight seemed superfluous. I mean, we have never seen the badassery of either Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow and their story arch just seemed to overshadow the rest of it. But what do you expect? It’s an adaptation of a kid’s cartoon. They definitely kill off Duke. Hahahahaha. I am waiting for someone to mash-up the Duke death scenes from both the 90’s cartoon movie and this one.

+ West of Memphis Review: Very interesting documentary about the miscarriage of justice in the south as three teens are tried and convicted of the murders of three small boys all because they were outcasts and deemed “satanic”. You see the botch in the case from the beginning and even the blindness of politicians long after the evidence points to other suspects and the boys are released after a plea deal. Strange case. Now, imagine if the boys were African-American. Would there even be a documentary?

4:[ I am a big fan of the large sculpture around Chicago, especially “Flamingo”, the big, orange sculpture at Federal Plaza next to the downtown post office. I make a point of walking under it no matter where I am heading when I pass by it. I feel that to do so, to interact with the structure, you are a part of the art piece. So, I walk under the aches and tap it whenever I pass by.

So, walking by there the other day, I noticed this group of hard-bodied co-eds in skimpy shorts and tops doing calisthenics or something in front of the post office. I was a gentleman and averted my eyes and as I walked by overheard one say “Now, let’s get into our bikinis!” to which I smiled and kept walking. But I looked around and saw that many, many old dudes and mooks were gathering. I love human nature at work. I have no idea what doing or why they were there. From their talk they seemed to be protesting something. I just guess that from their idle chatter. I walked on but not before being amused at all the fellas suddenly needing to step outside for a smoke….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Dear Readers for more of:

Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ It has been 12 months since I gave up coffee. I find that I am only getting tea now days whenever I go to any coffee shop and in all that time I learned one thing: tea is just as expensive as coffee….

+ So, Bonnie and myself went to our usual coffee shop in Evanston. This day, the service was not quite up to snuff. All the baristas were chatting it up and not even paying attention to an odd couple such as us. I ordered a peppermint tea and a blueberry muffin and they totally did not get my muffin. Bonnie ordered a “blonde” coffee and they said it would take a minute to brew and soon, they simply forgot about it. I don’t know how long it was but apparently talking to each other is more important than Bonnie’s order. She felt that they forgot and I, for my part, defended them as they said they needed to brew a batch. Bonnie was ready to go up and confront them and I asked her to be nice which offended her.

So, Bonnie walked up and guess what? She was right. They simply forgot in all of their chatter. It is amazing to me at how much baristas do not pay attention. I know, they work hard, blah, blah, blah, it’s rough. They are the backbone of the economy. But can they please pay attention and listen to people? Shoot, what they are talking about is in no way that interesting that they have to tell a customer, “Can you excuse me? I’m trying to listen to my co-worker’s nonsense.”

Also, I always find it funny that baristas defend the job they do. That is, until they leave it. Then it was the most horrible thing ever. Then, it’s a work camp with a bunch of never-will-be’s making Machiavellian maneuvers behind each other’s backs….

6:[ Honestly, I don’t think dads get enough credit. I don’t think men in general are getting much credit for their children and in general are being allowed to escape their parental responsibility more and more, mainly due to many of the laws of the land governing women’s reproductive rights and the like. But that is a discussion for another time. I do love it when I see a dad going the extra mile for their kids. For instance, I saw a dad today giving his little girl a lift on the street, putting her up on his shoulders and walking down Rogers Avenue from Clark to who knows where. The man just did it and did not seem tired at all. That’s damn cool.

So, there was this Dad on the train the other day. He got on the train pushing a stroller and with a girl and a boy in tow. The oldest was the little girl, six or seven and the boy seemed to be five or so. The baby was close to a year maybe. They got on at Belmont and it was crowded so they all had to stand. He told the girl to hold on to the rail, the boy too, but the stroller was in the doorway and he had to instruct the boy when and where to move to as the train made each stop, so other passengers could get by. The Dad never yelled. He never got on his cell phone. Never raised his voice or got mad. He kept his cool. He talked with them the whole time too, answering their questions and joking with them.

Now, it hit me that this Dad was a vet having to learn his stuff with the two elder kids. At one point the baby started crying and instead of flipping out, he reached into the backpack he was wearing and pulled out the baby’s bottle and handed it over. The Dad knew. The baby started nursing and went quiet. The Dad then reclined the stroller to let the baby fall asleep, but the baby was having none of it. He kept sitting up. But again, the Dad never flipped, kept his cool, and even when the baby wanted to put the bottle down and was trying to get it into one of the molded bottle holders on the stroller with his little baby hands, the Dad simply leaned over and helped out. It was damn cool to see. The Dad kept his head and never yelled and kept his eyes on all three kids.

I was planning to give him a fist bump as I passed when I got off and tell him “You’re rocking the Dad Thing” but alas, they all got off in an orderly fashion before I did. Still damn good to see a Dad in action. We need to praise them more. So, Sir, wherever you are, “You rocked the Dad Thing that day. I salute you.”

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ Rude drivers: I always felt that we should equip cars with absurdly huge, bumper car type bumpers and make it legal for people to “tap” or gently push each others cars. If we can make a non-insurance deal, I think courteous driving might grow if we are allowed to vent and nudge each other about just a little bit. Can you imagine if someone tries to cut you out of your parking space you are allowed to nudge them out of the way – no harm, no foul?

+ I know I am behind the times but the term “baby mama” has to stop – as well as its male counterpart “baby daddy”. Just, stop….

+ Crying over “Willis Tower” needs to stop. My buddy Dave told me that “Willis Tower” was for all us “non-real Chicagoans.” I replied that “Willis Tower” is for all of us that “got the f*ck over it already.” I know, you’ve been calling it that since forever and it’s Chicago tradition. But really, one faceless corporation’s name or another, it’s all the same. Think of it this way: it is that same mentality that makes people to want to keep the name “The Redskins” and use dancing Indians as their mascots….

8:[ I have been of late re-watching the CCTV 2010 series “Three Kingdoms” based on my all-time favorite book. It was produced after the movie “Red Cliff” as I see a lot of the same sets being used, especially for the Chibi battle sequences. I love the characterization of Cao Cao in this. The actor Chen Jianbin has done a great job of humanizing him and steering him away from the wholly evil character of past media incarnations. But what I love is the humor of the character, the traits and most especially, how the character EATS! Yes, there are a lot of banquets in the story but since the productions are limited in budget (re-used sets and costumes) the characters never eat at these banquets. But, Cao Cao eats.

Much like the book, once I watch an episode, I have to watch the next. It is a lot like “Game of Thrones” with differing kingdoms battling each other for supremacy of the land and there are surprising character deaths with political backstabbing and marriages. It is a truly great series that I highly recommend to any fan. The only downside is that to watch it, you must either view it on YouTube or order the pricey DVD set (18 discs!) and if you YouTube it, you have to endure the stupid side-taking of the commentators.

Seek it out and give it a try….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: As it turns out “Start Trek Into Darkness” was recently ranked by Trekkies at the 2013 Star Trek Convention as The Worst Star Trek Movie. Surpassing even the Shat-fest that was “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier”!

This gives me a ray of hope for genre movies in the future. My in-the-works review of Into Darkness is subtitled “Geeks F*cking Ruin Everything” and now I may have to amend it to “Geek PANDERING F*cking Ruins Everything”. Wait. No. Geeks are ruining comic book movies now. They ruined “Star Wars”, “The Terminator”, “Aliens”, John Carpenter; you name it. Geek Audiences have had an indelible hand in ruining beloved franchises with their stupid nostalgic buffoonery that executives buy into and ruin the integrity of movies.

10:[ Last Item of the Month: MY JURY DUTY EXPERIENCE – Sorry folks, I was denied a chance to dispense my unique brand of justice as I did my civic duty and reported for jury duty for the first time in my entire life. I guess this makes me a real Chicago citizen at long last, whatever that means. So, about a month ago, I got my summons and last week went downtown and submitted for jury pool like hundreds of other saps. Here are my observations:

+ They really try to sell you on it being the “most important part of our American justice system”.

+ I was assigned to the “Smiling Judge”.

+ Everyone in the jury pool suddenly became lawyers in their shared inconvenience.

+ One of the jury members was asked if knowing that the defendant was a corporation would bias them in any way. He replied that he is of the belief that corporations are not a person and that they had a decided advantage in lawyers and resources that defending them selves against a private citizen would bias him, as he would instantly root for the underdog, right or wrong. I was so happy someone said this and I was going to shake his hand and tell him I thought he did the right thing. We were both not picked to serve and sent back to the jury pool room. While I was let go for the day, the fella was picked to go on another jury panel, poor guy. They probably made him stay all day for what he said….

+ I am not going to tell you about the case because, honestly, it was pretty boring.

So there, I did my civic duty and was out of there. I will not be called again for at least a year they said but I know folks who were recalled quicker than that. Also, you cannot hide from jury duty. Once you get your driver’s license you are in the system….

That will do it for this month.

I know, right, on time for a change? Who knew? As always, I invite you to comment, critique, correct or contradict any item here. Please, no side-taking, political nonsense though. Politics is for dummies and the worst thing ever invented by humanity. But please, do not let me have the last word. In anything. I’ll allow it….

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2013 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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