Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December - Episode XII: Winter 2014


Hello People of the World;

Here I am typing this from the comfort of my little sister home on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Here we are at the end of Twenty-Fourteen. Who would have thought we had come so far? The year is almost over and here we are, YET AGAIN, patting ourselves on the back like we accomplished something.

Now, POOF! I am back in Chicago wrapping up what could be the final Wisdom of the Sages for a while. I am having a tough time putting this together but we shall see by the end of this what is next for this web log. Right now it has dropped to 10-degrees and all the fakers trying to act like it is not big thing now. Yet they say this after weeks of fairer weather.

Back in Wyoming, where I just was, 10-degrees is the fact of life. You want to see people acting like the cold weather is no big thing? Go live on the Wind River Reservation every winter, then go back to your warm apartments and know that the weather is the weather. It is nothing now days to live through the weather…

Let’s get this edition started, shall we?

1:[ First item of the Month: I am constantly amazed at how fucking Awesome we think we are all the time, that we, ourselves, as individuals, think we are the epitome of humanity that we constantly think our own small shitty little opinions about such unimportant things as shooting cellphone images in portrait versus landscape will suddenly change the dichotomy of how humanity functions in such nonsensical arenas. “I am AWESOME so my opinion has to count for something. My opinion is THE CHANGE I want to see happen in the world.”

I mean, look at ANY Facebook status…. Any…. Go look…. Then, get over yourself….

2:[ My Truthfulness Stuffs: Updates from my other Truthfulness Projects:

+ NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3

A Treatise on American Indian Art

All you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of artist. And I’m going to give it to them.

I have come up with a name and subject for my art showing in April:

ICONOCLASM – Native Art of a non-Native Nature – it is about knowing yourself as an artist and not selling out your culture by asking the question: can you represent your tribe without using anything cultural?

I will be posting the Call for Artist announcement very soon on Chicago Artists Resource.

Unfortunately, due to funding constraints, I have to use local artists, but….

To quote the great man, ‘It’s not about money. It’s about sending a message…’.

+ The Five Six SEVEN Hypocrisies of Native America:

(Because Seven is a sacred number):

I think I know why some Natives get snooty about “Coffee Shops”. For so long society has been Othering Native cultures, turning them into something historical that tribes are never taken seriously in modern society. So, when a Native person feels that they have ownership and authority over something as stupid as what type of coffee to drink and where, they run with it never thinking that they are perpetuating the othering of people who do not do the same things you do….


Ego and _____?
Let me know what I should cover next in my series on Truthfulness.


+ I have come to not care about the works of Quentin Tarantino, but Char has. I think he peaked with “Jackie Brown” and the long gap to “Kill Bill vol. 1” only saw the ebb of his talents. But that does not stop any from liking his newer films. In this hipster generation where recognizing callbacks to past pop culture is the norm, without experiencing the history of it or creating something new for their own generation. I came to the conclusion that Tarantino is like Bacon. It starts with a flash in the pan, a lot of heat, but the longer you stew the chewier and not-good tasting it is. The smells remind you of past memories, the smell of mom’s kitchen, but once bacon has overcooked, it can still taste good but it is way past its freshness.

Tarantino is like bacon….

+ My annual BEST OF… List is will soon be posted at the newly revamped WOS Reviews Blog. Stay tuned….

4:[ My December Trip to Wyoming: Was great. Thank to Val and Dan for the ticket home. Elvira and Andy for putting me up. Thanks to my brothers Allen, Forrest, Ken and Dalco for taking time to see me. Thanks for all my nieces and nephews for being awesome. This trip made me realize many things about myself…. More in the last item….

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Dear Readers for more of:

Adventures in the Coffee Shop and/or on the CTA!

+ Do we really need “Oprah Chai Tea”? I mean, just asking….

+ I think it is very funny to hear Baristas trying to explain to the public riffraff just how fucking awesome they really are. “We all hold different degrees….” Because you know, they are all too interesting a person to have a shitty job….

6:[ Overheard at “Rifftrax Live: Santa Claus”: So after a couple of hours of fun and laughter with one of their best shows in a while, I was walking behind this couple. The dude pointed at the large “Annie” display in the hallway.“She was in ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild”’, which is a really good movie about How the Other Half Lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, now she’s doing “Annie”.

They were talking about Quvenzhané Wallis of course. But, look, first, if you are saying “How the Other Half Lives”, you have no fucking clue of what you’re talking about. Next, how dare you think that this “little black girl” should be entertaining you in the way you want instead of doing what she wants.


7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ I never understood why Colored Marshmallows exist. Every holiday they come out with corresponding marshmallow colors; i.e. red and green for Christmas, etc. Yet, every time I eat a red marshmallow, I am always disappointed that it does not taste like fruit or anything other than marshmallow. At a function, I popped a great one in my mouth expecting it to taste like mint or something. Nope, it tasted like a marshmallow. You cannot color an oft-eaten snack and not flavor it. Really. That needs to stop.

+ I understand trying to be artistic. But why is it that most Nuevo-artistes think butchering something already perfect is saying something “edgy”? Can’t they think up something original for themselves? But, seeing Calvin & Hobbes being butchered in Dollop Coffee Shop? That shit must stop….

8:[ Have you ever see a stranger who resembles someone you know? I saw this fellow in Panera Bread the other night that looked like one of my co-mentors. It made me wonder if he saw someone who looked like me?

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department: Guess what? The movie “The Interview” was eventually released on the day it was supposed to be release. All I can say is: What a fucking great marketing gimmick, I mean, campaign by Sony. Pretend to be hacked to get widespread feedback on your shitty superhero movie plans and also promote the hell out of your dumb comedy, selling it like NOT seeing it is a threat to our freedom.

Damn, we’re stupid….

10:[ Last Item of the Month:

My Useless Self: Ego & My Final Reveal

This is what I have been building up to. My recent trip made me realize something about myself that I have been living with these past 5 or 6 years: I am a non-traditional person. I mean this in terms of religion versus self-growth. Spiritually, I am okay with what I know and do not know. I am happy to be wrong as I do try to keep my ego out of every aspect of my life. It is pure ego to try to make people think the way you do and that the world should operate the exact way you think.

I have to say now that I am putting my trust in discovering new knowledge and learning in science and reason. Yet, through my trip to Wyoming I have found that some tradition and cultural practice does have a place in society. Maybe this is in contradiction to my earlier position on balance. I can live with that.

So, I am now renouncing my religiosity probably to the dismay of my family, particularly my sisters. But I do not do this to demean them as Religion is very important to them and I am not, nor should I be trying to force them to my point of view. That would be wrong. To expect them to see things the way I see them would be contrary to my ideals. But that is who I am now, I hope they understand. I am not the same person who left the rez in 1999.

I am still open to learning everything I can, it is just that I do not feel I am a religious person anymore, even more than that lately. You can draw your own conclusions from there. But as I said earlier, I am not afraid of being wrong. That is key in learning new things. That is where ego must be put away. That is where I stand now days with my personal quest for knowledge. I hope I still have friends after this and that they understand where I am coming from.

 Well, that will do it for this month, for this year.

Again, you are invited to comment, correct, even, contradict anything you read here on Wisdom of the Sages. I am sure you will. As I stated before, this may be it for a while but I am glad that I am able to post on the last day of 2014. It has been a great run. Maybe I will see you at the end of January. We will see. Let me know how you have been. Take care and be safe in Twenty-fifteen.

I’ll do my best. We all should….

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2014 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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