Tuesday, March 31, 2015




Hello People of the World;

Well, it looks like the last vestiges of this past, oh-so-harsh winter are proving very difficult to shake off. But hey, that’s the weather for you. Here we are in the third month of twenty-fifteen and it looks like more of the same form all quarters. Yet, we still think that we are the center of it all and how it affects us is what counts the most. Get real, people.

Here I am hammering out another screed of knowledge bombs just for you. I’ll take this to the last minute if need be. Just so you can have another silly ‘blog to read when you’re bored.

Let’s get this month’s edition started, shall we:

1 :[ ICONOCLASTS: Welp, my show is opened at the Thompson Center downtown. It is about how to honestly express yourself as a Native American artist without falling into the same old trappings of clichéd imagery that pervades the medium. It also criticizes the pay for play mentality of modern Native art in general. I understand that it is not a philosophy that many can get behind but I hope I get the chance to curate a follow up….

2 :[ You can feel the weigh of the earth beneath you, the roar of the wind in your ears, yet you are unfettered and soaring through the cold and wet sky. The sun does burn your back and you stretch out your arms, pushing yourself further and further up. Earth tries to pull you back but can only keep you so long. Beneath you, the continents rumble on towards their uncared for destinations and earthquakes. The wind blown clouds shift past your sight, blocking the sparkle blue-black oceans that roll past. You urge yourself to slip between the current, to fleet you faster along, and toward the cautious occurrence….

3 :[ Something is wrong here. The way we had hoped things would be, are not. It is like we took a huge step backwards. Yet, we keep looking at our phones and telling ourselves that as long as we can afford “Netflix”, we don’t have to care that our neighbor has enough. Something is wrong here. We stare at screen and judge our worth based on slave wages and ancient myths. We cannot see what the real problems are because we want to look good pretending we are the moral standard or that our favorite character is the prince who was promised…

There is something wrong here. George Orwell feared that what we hate would ruin us. Aldous Huxley feared what we love would destroy us. Looking around and seeing how much we are staring into our phones, I cannot help but think that maybe Huxley was right….

4 :[ A Student just said, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll still take your girl.” They were talk about how one fella was more fit that the other and the other said, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll still take your girl” which I thought was pretty funny that eighth graders were talking like that.

5 :[ #AmIGeekEnough? I think I have watched the entirety of Season Eight of Doctor Who exclusively through YouTube reaction videos….

6 :[ Speaking of Reaction Videos: The Ernest Bear Show is actually more popular than anything else I have done on my YT Channel. I started the Ernest Bear Show as a reaction to “reaction videos”. But instead of putting my stupid mug on camera, I though my childhood toy take the blame, I mean, put forward my opinions on things we seem to be OVER-reacting to, like TV shows and movie trailers. Look for more to come.

7 :[ Cuba Discussions: The other day one of my best friends, Cuba, and I were geeking out and talking about all the movies that are set to come out this year as well as movie news and rumors. It is one of our greatest bonds: being nerds. So the subject came up of the recasting of Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt, of “Parks and Rec” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” fame being bolstered by shit-brained fanboys to replace Harrison Ford. But this cannot be. You see, Harrison Ford brought a vast amount of earnestness to the role that the goofy-ass Pratt cannot hope to match. Sure, “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was am action-adventure story with humor, but the humor was never the driving force of the character. It was the verisimilitude of the situations and the gravity of the role that made “Raiders’ what it was: lightning in a bottle. You can NEVER hope to replicate it, even though they tried. What stands out to me is the hokey-ness of the humor of the “Last Crusade”, with its jokey demeanor and turning the great character of Marcus Brody into a dullard, it was stupid. This is why I do not have the same fondness for “Last Crucade” as I do for “Raiders”. Andy from “Parks and Rec” just cannot hope to match what Ford brought to the role.

But that is what fanboys do. An actor does one or two things they like and they fall all over themselves pushing their vision of a shit heel actor upon a great character. Then, we get the “Affleck is Batman” debacle all over again. Yeah, yeah, “The Town” and “Argo”, but those are only TWO movies when Affleck has a shitload of movies where he sucks ass. Then, whenever fanboys tell me I CAN’T cite “Daredevil” as proof of Affleck’s terribleness, all I say is “well, how about all the rest of his movies then?”

If anything I hope now that Disney owns the rights to the character, we get Pixar’s Indiana Jones. Just bring use new adventures with a Harrison Ford avatar. It would still be better than a doofus pretending his awesome….

8 :[ Coffee Shop Adventures: Most conversations always end up being about how other people “just don’t get” what you do because you are so far advanced and awesome. Face it, your job, your business, your office gets along just fine without you. Sorry….

So that is it for this month. Still playing it fast and loose with WOS for now. Keeping it short and sweet these days. Feel free to comment, correct, or contradict anything you read here.

Until next month, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2015 Ernest M Whiteman III

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