Thursday, February 28, 2019


Hello People of the World;

With February being a short 28 days, I found myself once again, at Time’s mercy, having not been keeping up with my writing of WOS specifically, nor my writing in general. I have read quite a few books, of which I will tell of down below.

The cold is sticking around and folks are still complaining winter is cold. Sheesh. How do we consistently let the weather sneak up on us like that? I men really, the turning of the Earth will forever catch us off guard.

All right, let’s get going:

1:[ I have been reading a bit more of late -I decided to buy "If Beale Street Could Talk" after seeing the movie. It is just as good and more beautiful in some parts. I cried on the train reading the ending. I also decided it was high time I gave Frank Herbert's "Dune" a try. I am going slow. Not opinion on it yet. I am also still reading "Invisible Natives" by AJ Prats. I am reading it for my class but it is always good to keep the concepts and ideas in mind. I am also in continual reading of "Three Kingdoms". As I am nearing the end of the story, I find myself putting it aside for not wanting to let it end, which is funny, because once I am done reading it, I will just start all over again.

2:[ How fairs “HAMLET” the movie? Well, it has stalled due to lack of support. But I am working on other things that might work in tandem - a Proof-of-Concept short film about Fortinbras and a comedy (kind of) about the making of a "Native Hamlet". We'll see. The Native community here has a tough time supporting projects that don't make 'em famous, promise millions, or showcases beads and feather or exploits war veterans. So.

3:[ “The Favourite”: A Review - Yep, I finally jumped on the hype train and was bored senseless....

4:[ I knew Olivia Coleman would win and I knew that stupid "Green Book" would win best picture as well. I am also sure it will go down as the "Crash" of 2019. It is a stupid film. Whenever you have a white guy telling a black man "I'm Blacker than you." it's dumb and should have never been given any consideration. But Libs love patting themselves on the back for the Imminent Presence and Virtual Absence of people of color and the ownership of their stories. Some things never change.... 

5:[ I really want to write a long form essay on what “Three Kingdoms” has taught me. But it would take a while and part of me always asks "why not do it as a video?". I have so many thoughts on the story that I am in continual reading of. We will see...

6:[ I am very proud of the students of my CAPE program. They are working on a very cool short horror film that addresses marginalized students of color. I hope we can get it together to get it done.

That is it for this month.

Sorry for the shortness of this month's edition. I have been super busy with all of my jobs. Since February is the shortest month, we'll have the shortest completed episode.

My apologies again, for not posting completed writings last year. As you can see it has extended to this year as well. I rarely have time to sit down and plot out any of the month’s editions. But I will get to finishing them once I have a consistent time-off schedule. I know you all waited with baited breath to read my ramblings on the news of the day. Also, worry not, I will be re-posting for August, September, October, November, and January once I have those writings completed.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Happy February. Again.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2019 Ernest M Whiteman III

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