Friday, May 31, 2019


Hello People of the World;

 All right, let’s get going:

1:[ I love how people in general bitch about having to respect the police. Blue live matter and we should honor them as heroes, and we should all just obey the laws and you’ll be fine.

I don’t see that respect for police at all driving the highways and interstates. Everyone is practically breaking the law by speeding. Where’s your respect for the law and for the police then? I’m needed right away, so f*ck the police. Right? They’re not there to catch you so f*ck ‘em. You’re speeding.


2:[ Hey, “Allies”, how about allowing the Natives the space to say what they want?

3:[ I’m just going to say: these last season of “Game of Thrones” was just dumb.

People are more concerned with “who sits on the Iron Throne” when they should have cared about the White Walkers. Which, according to the author, is just an allegory for Climate Change. The point he is making is that we are so obessesed with who’s in power, “who wins the Iron Throne” that we are neglecting he very real threat of annihilation. But we got a fan favorite stabbing the bad guy dead and the rest falling over, but it is a very US mentality. We just need to kill something to solve big issues like climate change. Right?

Why do we care who’s in power when we have a real looming threat coming at us? This mentality that it is somehow better to replace the Emperor with just another Emperor is sheer folly. Tear the structure down. Let it all die. I just typed “Rian Johnston had it right, I just wish he executed it better” because I lost track of this writing and flashed back to “The Last Jedi”.

Looking back after it is all over – I thought the finale was apt. I think it was good. What makes it especially joyful is that none of the fans got what they wanted. Sheer, yummy joy for me…

4:[ Finished up my semester at UWP teaching “Native Americans in Media”. Pretty satisfied with the outcome. Some students get it. Others just want to check off the task boxes and expect a payout. Students be Studenting….

5:[ For the dummies that tell me Thanos had the right idea: I thank them for their sacrifice they are making for those of us left behind. That changes their mind on the idea pretty quick. Speaking of stupidity involving Thanos:

6:[ Endgame Review: So a time travel fix resulting in two giant cgi armies running at each other amidst the ‘splosions? Yep.

7:[ I saw two men tell each other “I love you” openly and without shame. I do not know the context of the situation or the nature of their relationship. But two hard-looking (my bias) southside youths were on the train heading further south, doing nothing, just sitting and looking at their phones. Earlier, a gaggle of teens got on and were loud and shouty and disruptive. They exited earlier than these two whom watch the group with stoicism. Then, as one stood up to get off at the next stop, he said to the one still seated, “Catch you later, I love you.”

This caught my ears. But I left them out of my gaze. The train stalled and they had to wait to get to the next station. But as they train arrived and the doors opened, the young man said the to other again, “See you later, man, I love you.”

The other replied, “Be care. I love you brother.”

I know they were not brothers. They did not use the bro vernacular of “Love you”, it was “I love you” and it felt genuine between them. I did not want to judge or assume the nature of their relationship, but I thought it was damn cool….

8:[ I just gave up on “There There” and “Sacred Smokes”, two books by Native authors. I am just so tired of these stories… Seriously. I may wrte more about why later on. I’m just disappointed with them…

That is it for this month.

As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.

Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

2019 Ernest M Whiteman III

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