Thursday, November 16, 2023



Hello People of the World;


Here we are late again. Looks like it’s going to be another short episode. I really do not think anyone reads this, because I stopped sharing it on Facebook. I don’t think random folks read it in their internet searches either. Which begs the question: why keep going?


Mainly, this serves as a way to collect some thoughts and to keep me writing in any capacity as well as make sure I stick to deadlines. Keeping in practice with those is always helpful in my estimation. If some random internet wanderer finds it and reads it and it elicits a response or they chuckle or grumble about a differing perspective, I’m happy with that.


As always: Stay safe. Stay home. Because COVID is still a thing.


 All right, let’s get going:


1:[ This virus really showed how equal we all really are: That no matter where we sit politically, we will never believe the facts….




The Dark Knight: Bonnie and I went to see one of the best superhero movies ever, also a good film in general. To say this film has had an impact on my life is understating it. That ending montage is something very special to me and got me through many times in life.


"Sometimes, the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes, people need to have their faith rewarded..."


I was chatting to the comic book guy about this and they got a bit gate-keepy when I mention my daughter and I were going to see this again later on, "Is she just seeing it for the first time?"


"Nope, she's loved it since it first came out."


I told him, it's like "Citizen Kane", if you have a chance to see it on the big screen, go. I saw this once at the Navy Pier IMAX with the expanded aspect ratio. This is the film I have seen most in the theater - nine times and counting.





3:[ This Month’s Short Essay:


Thinking of my Mom Again (An Aside)


My mom got back into traditional dancing after my father passed. One of the many places I drove her was to powwows. She would enter senior division for fun and bingo money. She would dance a zig-zag pattern that I had not seen done before that time. At the Northern Arapaho Powwow, there was NEVER a single time that when they announced the senior division, that powwow emcees would mention that my mom was the very first Northern Arapaho Powwow Queen. Every time.


"Just want to take a moment to acknowledge Mary Ann Whiteman, who was the very first Northern Arapaho Powwow Queen." My mom would raise her fan sometimes, but hearing the drums around the arbor acknowledge her is bringing a tear to my eye remembering those moments.


Props to those emcees. They never had to do it, Mom was humble in that sense, but we were glad she was acknowledged.



4:[ Observation: I have noticed that once you turn 50, that Doctors love finding ways to humiliate you through suggested actions for diagnosis:


For example, if you can learn that I have an intestinal bug via a blood draw, why do I have to shit in a box to see if it’s gone? Can’t another blood draw show that? How about getting a camera shoved up your ass?



5:[ We cannot go back to “Normal” all after this: that they stopped reporting deaths and hospitalization because the economy is more important than human life.



That is it for this month.



As always, I invite you to comment, correct, or contradict anything I write here. I am open to a critical debate. Thanks for taking the time to check out what I write here and I will see you in a month.


Until next time, remember “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”



2023 Ernest M Whiteman III


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