Monday, July 16, 2012

July - Summer 2012

Hello People of the World;

Here we are at the celebration of the birth of a nation. To celebrate I found a bunch of Europeans notarizing an affidavit in my back yard.

Honestly, I have to say that part of me is enjoying the summer heat. Sure, global warming has ratcheted up the thermostat a bit but last week’s 96-degree days were some of the best 96-degree days I have had the pleasure to encounter. It was hot in the sun and there was breeze enough to keep you out and about and the shade actually acted like shade.

Look, I walk everywhere. Most people who complain are used to sitting in their air-conditioned cars and apartments, so of course the heat will feel oppressive. Once you flippin’ decide to go out into it. And to all the Natives that state we need to get back to the old time, well, the old times had some hot, fucking days and no AC. Shiiiiet, some lived under tents made of animal skins man. That must have smelled awesome….

I actually enjoy the change of temp once I get off an AC-ed bus or walk out of the store that I spent 30 minutes in buying dinner and to have the heat seep into my skin. Sure, I’ll be sweating like a melting ice cube but that is nature at works, folks. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter. And we have the frickin’ gall to complain, like God got it wrong…. Sheesh.

Anyways, let’s get started shall we?

1:[ First item of the month:  Last month I closed with a piece about fearing to express my honest opinions. I heard some really good advice lately about being honest or truthful, there is no set time to be truthful. It is not like it will get easier to do so, so why not just be truthful as you can be. This has helped me make up my mind about a lot of things that have been on my mind lately and I decided that I had to make some changes and make some choices about the things and ideals I want to adhere to.

So, in the spirit of this new discovery and attitude I feel that I should not hold back on a few, certain topics.  For instance, I have decided that I believe in evolution. Mainly because I feel that as a human species, where are not done becoming. That goes for our ideals and beliefs. Those also need to have room to evolve and expand and to not be static things we are forever chained to.

My own proof for evolution is how much we, as the human society, act like a pack of apes. We cheer violence and strength, mating and reckless behavior. Have you ever noticed when a comedian is on TV performing and when they mention drinking, fighting or fucking, the audience WHOOPS and hollers? Apes do that when two gorillas fight. Shoot, that is basically MMA. Yeah, I said that. Apes cheer violence. So do we. We promote war and aggression. How is that not animalistic?

I call it the Primal Instinct of Getting our Ticklies Tickled. We enjoy things that make us feel good: booze, sex and the idea that we are stronger than the other animals, that our intellect is sharper, our humor funnier than others. It’s Ego. Again, it comes back to that because as humans we need to have our egos massaged, that is a step up from being an ape. We enjoy getting our Ticklies tickled when a comedian mentions a topic that we agree with, so we whoop or click the “Like” button” or when someone in authority offers us reasons for actions and we happen to believe same and we thumb it up or share it online. Our intellectual egos get tickled.

And this can cover a lot of topics from left to right, atheist to believer, we like getting our Ticklies tickled and we follow the things that tickled it best for us: film, arts, politics, drugs, sex and so on…. Much like the apes in the field, we humans are never without those causes for our tickles….

In a more concentrated effort at being truthful I have decided to expand a few of my thoughts into longer articles that I will begin posting to The Redshade Report. Yep, little Mikey Redshade will be moved to Flickr, probably, to make room for my new bent on truthfulness….

So, keep and eye you for these upcoming articles:
The Five Hypocrisies of Native America (August 2012)
NAMELESS: My Thoughts and Feelings on Native American Art and Artists (Soon!)
ONE: A Spoken Word (Fall 2012)

Sure, I won’t get elect President because of these but then again, who wants to be led?

2:[ On a more serious note: Why is that whenever we address a group of girls, women, females, we always, ALWAYS address them as “You Guys….”?


+ I think that Pixar’s streak remains intact with their latest, “BRAVE”. It is rare that you see movies about a mother and a daughter. The movie moved along at a brisk pace and I found myself enjoying the premise as it did take me by surprise. “Brave” is a great addition to the streak of Pixar’s animation dominance, uh, “Cars” & “Cars 2” aside….

+ I recently rented the superhero “found footage” movie “Chronicle” and found that I enjoyed it very much. I like the conceit of the found footage angle but had a problem with the premise that once again, the athletic doofus becomes the hero against the intellectual nerd, who becomes the bad guy. For once, I’d like to see the reverse. I don’t count Iron Man because he’s basically a smartass and no different than someone who picks on nerds. Plus, the fact that he is a cool, suave smart guy is inherently false. For the bad guy to be smart and the good guy some athletic doofus always reminds me of this.

It also gave me another thought on the recent The Avengers movie, why it did not resonate with me and on Escapism Entertainment in general. No one challenges the rote anymore. They want escapism. It hit me again when I came across this quote by Dan Jolin in the latest issue of EMPIRE Magazine in writing about the upcoming “The Dark Knight Rises”: “Escapism is blissfully untouched by relevance.”

As loud and fun as those movies are, they will never be more than that. We don’t strive to challenge ourselves artistically anymore. We promote Mediocrity as Escapism and we hold fast to zeitgeists and promote that as a new voice, even more so in Native American art, but more on that later. I am glad Nolan is trying to add some substance to what is essentially a comic book movie. It is trying to ground itself in relevance that will help it endure long after the fun of “The Avengers” has faded. Much like the fun of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor have. We need that challenge. I fear the idea of the Grown Up movie is fading ever fast in this age of escapist entertainment. Which is why I do not consider film to be Art. Which is why I was sooooo happy to see the film in this next item;

+ Bonnie and I were able to catch the sleeper hit Beasts of the Southern Wild, very much a DIY film about a young girl living in a flood area with her father and her quest to make the universe fit together that was supremely touching and heartfelt. It melded the fantastical with an off-kilter realism that played out beautifully. Hushpuppy reminded me of the strength of my own nieces and my Char. I highly recommend this film. And I do mean “film” though it appears to be shot on digital video. This movie is the textbook definition of “film” in the hipster-cool sense….

4:[ So, Bonnie and I went to the store for some snack while we watched “Game of Thrones” and while we were grabbing our cart, we noticed this little guy crying up a storm and giving his mom a hard time. I mean, this was angry crying, not scared or sad crying. (Parents can tell the difference.) This little guy did not want to be put in the little seat at the top of the cart. He was old enough to be mobile. Say about four-years-old. He was carrying on and struggling against his mom when she was trying to put him in the cart. Now, she had an older daughter that she had to wrangle, before you accuse her of being lazy and not wanting to keep an eye on her boy by putting him in that seat.

Once she got him situated, he f*cking just belted it out man, just let loose full-lunged bawling and then he just up and whacked his mom right in the chest, the cleavage area, SMACK! He put all his strength into an open-handed slap and you could hear it: SMACK!

Her reaction was awesome and very motherly, she f*cking smacked him right back, SMACK! He bawled for a bit until she said, “Now, stop it.” I thought, Go Mom.

Now, if you smack your mom right in the cleavage, open-handed like that with all the aggression and anger reserved for bar fighters or wife beaters, well, “Take your medicine, son….”

5:[ Ah yes, settle in Readers for more of:

Adventures at the Coffee Shop!

+ I think I need to visit other coffee shops. I mean besides Starbucks. Any suggestions? Of late I have be stopping in the Dunkin’ Donuts for their summer special and liked the change of pace and atmosphere of actually just sitting inside and people watching. Since there are Baskin Robbins’ attached, a lot of families and dates come through. But should I frequent more “Cool” coffee shops? What is “Cool” anyways…?

+ I have the habit of using napkins to make room in my coffee for cream. I have always felt that I demand too much as a customer. I order an iced coffee, which Bonnie rightfully points out that I was against a few years ago, with sweetener. That should be enough. But, no. I feel bad asking for “easy ice, room for cream” especially if there is a line behind me. I always see a jerk dumping coffee into the trash can but felt that was stupid. So, I get stirrers and scoop out ice and for hot coffee I dunk some napkins to absorb a bit of coffee off the top. That way, in my mind, I am not slopping coffee into the trash but used napkins…. I know. I’m weird….

+ It’s pretty cool when you meet a fellow Batman fan. A few months ago at the B&N coffee shop I ran across this young lady who noticed the magazine I was carrying had Catwoman on the cover and we ended up chatting about the latest “The Dark Knight Rises” trailer and we both geeked out about it. Then, last time I was in there, the instant we saw each other we both said “Seven more days!” Yeah, it’s fun running into others who share your geeky passions….

6:[ In my recent experience of job searching, I remember this one place about six years ago that I applied to for media production reasons and got a call to show up for an interview. I think I wrote this story out before but in my searches the media-related places labeled “LLC” make me think of this one particular place. It turned out to be a cattle call interview, 30 or 40 recent college grads and me showed up and we were herded around what appeared to be a refurnished storage space made to look like “high tech” offices.

They blasted that crappy euro-techno-dance music in the lobby and we were led into the “conference” room to be told about what the company does. It was basically a promotions place for no-budget companies that they tried to convince us were “Fortune 500” clients. Then, they had us all sit in the waiting area and they interviewed all the college grads, one at a time. The room cleared in about 15 minutes. I sat there for nearly two hours, watching too-young “executives” rushing around in too-big, boxy, “silk” business suits, and gelled hair, looking into offices, opening doors, rushing, rushing, rushing!

I sat there for so long that I began to suspect that Bonnie was pulling a practical joke on me. From that context, the phoniness of everything seemed to make sense. I am serious, after about two hours of waiting I really began to think someone was pranking me! Then, finally, someone asked if they could help me. I said that I was part of the group interviews and they seemed surprised. They shuffled me into the office of the executive on-site. He asked what I could offer their company if I worked for them. To which I replied:

“Well, to be honest, you had me waiting in the lobby for nearly 2 and a half hours. If this is how you treat your prospective employees, I don’t think I want to work here. Thank you for your time.”

The guy only said, “Oh. Uh, sorry.”

I shook his hand and left.

So, every time I see a “MEDIA-Something, LLC.” in the job listings, I immediate think of this place and suspect it is a phony set up for a practical joke….

7:[ And now Wisdom of the Sages presents:

An Ever-growing List of Things That MUST Stop!

+ Have you noticed the new style of haircut, or maybe it’s been around for a while. A short buzz cut with a sort of forelock thing going, like Ed Gremley or JB’s Big Boy? Yeah, that needs to stop….

+ Using the word “ghetto” to describe unkempt, shitty things. Ghettos are where society puts its undesirable people, in the worst places in an urban setting in the hopes that that section of humanity eventually dies off. In a more modern vernacular, ghettos are where black people live. Saying something is “Ghetto” is saying that the thing isn’t up to YOUR standard but it’s up to the standards of poor, black people…. Stop that….

+ When has wearing black-framed glassed been equated with being a nerd or smart. Damn Hipsters, ruin another thing. I mean the word “smart” not black-framed glasses. It seems like the “cool” suburban social kids are appropriating the word “nerd” to lend some air of intelligence about themselves. Where I came from being a “nerd” was not a socially acceptable thing. You had to be smart about something, science, math or the like and be a social outcast.

Now, I saw this YouTube video of this cool guy calling himself a “Nerd” because he liked comic books. But that label should not be applied. It seems like a backhanded self-compliment hiding as self-deprecation. This was a dude no woman would resist. He was reviewing a Batman-design motorcycle suit. He was no un-handsome either. So, to call himself a nerd over a liking of comic books seems especially disingenuous.

Now, kids all over are trying to pass off as smart without the intellect. Those hipsters with the black frame glasses lend credence to a non-smart trying to be something they are not through a current fashion zeitgeist. Now, I am hypocrite enough to state that we should not complain about current trends (See next item) but I draw the line at nerddom being appropriated by cool kids that would honestly make fun of actual nerds if they ever come across them.

Patton Oswalt made a comment that when he saw the muscle-bound jocks wearing the Boba Fett t-shirts at the gym, he knew that Geekdom as we knew it was over. Now, so nerddom is nearing extinction. I hate that intelligence is disliked, so is rationality and reason. So, a good first step in bring these back is the wearing of black-framed glasses to look smarter needs to stop….

+ Hypocrisy Alert: We really, I mean REALLY need to stop complaining about the current teen fashions. I mean, come on, it’s a trend that will end sooner or later. Let them have their trends. How fucking dare we! To think that we are justified to judge and condemn these kids for wearing their pants past their ass like we were sooo much better at fashion and cool. Freaking failing generation that we are.

Here are three reasons NOT to complaining about them:
1- WE were NOT the height of fashion and cool. Never were. Drop it.
2- Our parachute pants and punky, grunge tip were today’s ass exposed baggy pants, skinny jeans, halter tops and black frame glasses to look smart.
3- We are now the crotchety old f*cks that just need to get over it….

As cool as we think we were, how “individual” we thought we were, we all dressed in the trends of our teen contemporaries. We dressed like everyone else, much like they do now. We passed on our stupidity to them and they follow trends like we did. If you’re still trying to front the “individual” fashion sense you had as a teen, dude, you need to get over that. Fact: You were NEVER that cool.

We were no smarter and we need to stop complaining about the current teen fashion trends….

8:[ Honestly, I don’t think I have been hired at all the summer video camps I applied to because I told them I would not treat the participants like kids….

9:[ From the “This Just In” Department:I haven't been keeping up with the latest news. As you know, I have no TV nor access to TV channels, I should say. Yahoo keeps replacing my Science and Technology News sections with Sports and Politics, which are the two most useless things eve created by mankind. i consider myself a sort of societal litmus test, if it is important enough for me here on the bottom of society's ladder, then it must be news worth hearing. I am sure there have been recent celebrity deaths that I could comment on, but really, who pays attention to celebrities...?

10:[ Last Item of the Month: So, lately, I have been noticing that I keep running into people you don’t know someplace else: you know what I mean. You see someone on a semi-not-at-all-regular basis at a particular location and then some time later you walk past or run across them some place else entirely. For, example, I see some of the cashiers at my local Dominick’s on a regular basis, some remember me and smile and all that. But I ran across two in other locations. One I passed at C2E2. I don’t think he noticed me as I tried to give him a nod. He was dressed like a vampire pimp or something. And the other I found lives in my building, even on the same floor, so now we say hello whenever we cross paths….

Speaking of cashiers, I need to mention this one Walgreen’s Cashier and boy, talk about doing a shitty job, shitty. I was in line for the usual guy behind the counter when he calls for backup as the line was pretty long. I was third in line but when this young lady from the cosmetic counter opens up the other register and calls for the next person in line, the next person in line tells me to go ahead. So I do. This girl just scans and dumps my items into the bag making no effort to pack them, just tosses them, THUMP, beep, THUMP into the bag. It came up to $8.09 and I gave her a ten and began fishing in my pocket for change. She counted out the change and at the same time we handed each other our change. I said, “I have nine cents.”

She said, register drawer not even closed, and all she would have had to do was drop the coins and grab a dollar, “But I already counted it out.”

I shook my head, said “Seriously?”

I took my change and walked out.

That will do it for this month. But before you go, I’ll leave you with this little story about my building. One day I was walking to the elevator, the same one I was stuck in a few months back. Now, before I pressed the button to go down, (I live on the top floor) the elevator began moving up from the basement. Which surprised me a bit that it would start moving before I pressed the button. I figured some one got on in the basement as was coming up. The elevator did not stop and I figured some one was getting off on my floor. The door opened and no one was on it! Weird.

The other day, Bonnie was with me when the same thing happened, the elevator began moving before I pushed the button on the elevator. Again, it came all the way up from the basement and stopped. No one was on it. I asked Bonnie if she noticed that but she said she wasn’t paying attention. Double weird. I’ll try to catch it on video next time.

Again, I hope that you are all doing well and the weather is not catching you too unawares and off guard, as it is want to do that sneaky bastard. I hope that you will comment, correct or contradict any item in any edition of WoS. I feel that this month’s may challenge you too. I hope I do not offend. Which is why I do not reply to comments left here. I am open to having an opposing opinion posted. I have had some of my reviews cited and contradicted. Look at my review of “Scalped”. I figure my ego doesn’t need to pound what are essentially my own opinions into people’s faces and they should be allowed to add their two-cents.

So, feel free to comment and voice your opinion. I feel that people are scared to voice opinions because they do not want to deal the backlash, I think. Don’t be scared. You can change your opinions, just as you can try to change other’s. It should be a free market of ideas. So. Go ahead.

Until Next Time, “I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control everything really are.”

© 2012 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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